- 注册
- 2004-04-25
- 消息
- 442
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Raid Setup
Tanks: 5 (A mix of protection and fury warriors and feral druids)
Healers: 6
DPS : 14
Some of the "tanks" can be DPS specced and change from tanking gear to DPS gear at the end of the waves.
Buffs, Potions and Gear
Lots of mana potions, Night Dragon's Breath, Demonic Runes; anything that can give you mana.
The shadow protection buff from priests and Medallion of Karabor are useful for countering the Mark of Kaz'Rogal. Full shadow protection gear is not viable, however, as the boss fight is a DPS race.
DPS should be potted up the entire time.
Boss Abilities
HP - 4,200,000
Melee Strength - 2000-3000 on plate.
Cleave - Kaz'rogal has a frontal cleave that hits a well geared tank for up to 10,000, but can hit anyone else for a lot more.
Mark of Kaz'Rogal - Kaz'Rogal places a debuff on everybody in the raid, called Mark of Kaz'Rogal. It has no effect on non-mana users. On everyone else, it drains 600 mana every second for 5 seconds for a total of 3000 mana. If you don't have any mana to drain, you will detonate for 10213 to 11287 shadow damage in a 10-15 yard area around you.
If the Mark runs you out of mana and detonates, you will take considerably less damage if you have some mana to be drained than if it hits you on empty.
The general rule with dealing with this is: do everything you can to avoid going out of mana, and drink mana potions like crazy.
A good thing is that both this damage and the Mark itself are resistable with things like the shadow protection buff from priests and the Medallion of Karabor, etc. It's not a sure thing, but some players report resisting up to 75% of the damage and Marks (whilst, of course, some resist none at all).
War Stomp - Periodically uses this ability, dealing 2313-2687 damage to everybody in a 15 yards radius of him, stunning them for 5 seconds. Does not cause the MT to lose aggro. Because Kaz'rogal is so enormous, and his hitbox is too, it is actually possible for melee to hit him whilst standing out of range of this ability.
Dispel - Randomly dispels one magic effect from a player.
The Mobs
HP - 180,000
Melee Strength - About 3k on plate.
Poison Aura - Sometimes the Abomination will use a poison cloud-like ability, dealing roughly 750 damage to everyone around the Abomination every 3 seconds.
Shackle-able / Fear-able/ Trap-able
HP - 140,000
Melee Strength - About 1.5k on plate.
Cannibalise - When they go low on health, the ghouls will run to a corpse and start cannibalizing it, restoring about 7% of their health every 2 seconds, for 10 seconds.
If you see a ghoul cannibalizing, you must stun it or Shackle it or even fear it as fast as you can to prevent it restoring health. A cannibalizing ghoul takes an entire raid's worth of DPS to kill.
Shackle-able / Fear-able/ Trap-able
Shadowy Necromancers
HP - 120,000
Unholy Frenzy - Increases an ally's attack speed by 100% for 20 sec, but also inflicts 500 nature damage to that ally every 2 sec.
Shadow Bolt - A bolt of shadow dealing 2250-2750 to the current target.
Cripple - Increases the time between an enemy's attacks by 100% and decreases movement speed by 50%, in addition to reducing its strength by 50%. Lasts 15 sec. Can be dispelled.
Summon Skeletons - Summon a skeleton from a nearby corpse. They can be either a Skeleton Invader, with 32k HP, or a Skeleton Mage with 24k HP. One is a melee type, the other one is a caster. They are no real threat, just an irritation.
Sheep-able / Fear-able / Trap-able
HP - 83,000
Banshee Curse - Reduces chance to hit by 66% for 5 min. Decurseable.
Banshee Wail - Much like a Shadow Bolt, it causes 2475 to 3025 to the current target.
Anti-Magic Shell - Creates an anti-magic shield around the caster, absorbing up to 200,000 magic damage for 30 seconds. Can be pruged.
Sheep-able / Fear-able / Trap-able
Crypt Fiends
HP - 170,000
Melee Strength - About 2k on plate.
They will sometimes shoot out tiny spiders at a random person in range. They do about 300-400 damage total. Absolutely nothing to worry about.
Web - They will sometimes put a web around someone, immobilizing him for 10 seconds.
Shackle-able / Fear-able / Trap-able
Parts of waves 2 and 4 in large numbers.
HP - 120,000.
Melee Strength - About 1.5k on plate.
Gargoyle Strike - Deals 850 to 1150 nature damage to an enemy. The spell has a 35 yard range and a 1.5 second cast.
The Gargoyles will start in the air, out of melee range. Howoever, if they aggro someone and he goes out of their Gargoyle Strike range, they will land and follow by ground and remain grounded.
Frost Wyrm
HP - 330,000
They will remain airborne until they die, and so cannot be damaged by melee. They will come in waves 6 and 7 from the direction of the 2 Towers where the tanks and Shadowy Necromancer DPS are.
Frost Breath - A 3 second cast, 35 yard range ability that deals 2550 to 3450 frost damage to it's target and everyone in 8 yards around it, and slowing their movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.
Have him off tanked by a hunter / mage / warlock somewhere away from people.
Horde NPCs
They're all elite, do mediocre damage and have tons of HP.
They're all over the horde base in a very chaotic manner.
The most useful of the NPCs are the tauren warriors as they do a ton of damage and have an AoE War Stomp. Do not let them die. Taunt mobs off them, have paladins and hunters take aggro on them, or even mages or warlocks, but don't let the tauren warriors die. They are amazing help.
The rest of the NPCs aren't all that valuable.
The Fight
The waves come every 3 minutes, except for wave 8, which gives you 4 minutes before the boss.
Wave 1
4 Abominations, 2 Banshees, 4 Ghouls, 2 Shadowy Necromancers.
Sheep a Shadowy Necromancer, Shackle the Banshees. Have 2 hunters pulling Ghouls to the tauren warrior and Thrall camps, then returning them to the raid. While the tanks are building aggro on the Ghouls and Abominations, have your melee start killing the Shadowy Necromancers and Banshees, making sure you have rogues/DPS warriors interrupting the Shadowy Necromancers' Shadow Bolts and Raise Dead abilities.
Tanks call for AoE when you think you have solid enough aggro, and mages/warlocks start to AoE. Melee can go help as soon as Shadowy Necromancers and Banshees are dead.
Wave 2
4 Ghouls, 10 Gargoyles
Have 3 hunters or 2 hunters and a warlock/mage pull the Gargoyles from their spot to the raid to ground them. If Thrall reset, pull one Ghoul over to him to engage him.
Have the tanks grab the Gargoyles from the hunters and tank them. As soon as you have good aggro, just AoE them. Kill off the Ghouls or a single Gargoyle while you wait for the aggro buildup.
Wave 3
6 Crypt Fiends, 4 Shadowy Necromancers, 4 Ghouls
Sheep the Shadowy Necromancers. Kite 2 Ghouls to the camps to pick up the warriors and Thrall. Melee should kill off 1-2 Shadowy Necromancers till there's enough aggro on the rest, then AoE. Kill off whatever's left.
Wave 4
6 Gargoyles, 6 Crypt Fiends, 2 Shadowy Necromancers
Sheep a Shadowy Necromancer, melee on the other one. Try to kill them both before the AoE.
Pull 2 Crypt Fiends to the tauren and Thrall camps, then back into the raid. Have 2 hunters pull the Gargoyles back to the raid .
Wave 5
4 Ghouls, 4 Shadowy Necromancers, 6 Abominations
Shackle an Abomination or two if you think you can't handle the damage. Sheep 2-3 Shadowy Necromancers, and kill off 1-2 before the AoE. Kite 2 Ghouls back to the tauren and Thrall camps then return them to to the raid. AoE when the tanks call for it, then finish off whatever's left alive.
Wave 6
8 Gargoyles, 1 Frost Wyrm
Have 3 hunters or 2 hunters and a warlock/mage pull the Gargoyles from their spot to the raid to ground them. Have the tanks grab the Gargoyles from the hunters and tank them. Kill them with melee and good AoE
Stronger single target ranged DPS should focus on the Frost Wyrm.
Make sure to have a Hunter or any high aggro caster hold aggro on the Frost Wyrm and be somewhere away from the raid to prevent extra damage from its attack.
Kill the Frost Wyrm and start AoE-ing the tanked targets.
Wave 7
Same tactics as for 6
Wave 8
2 Crypt Fiends, 6 Ghouls, 2 Banshees, 2 Shadowy Necromancers, 6 Abominations.
It's one big, bad wave; a mix of most of the mobs you've met so far.
Pull off 2 Ghouls to the tauren/Thrall camps. Sheep the Shadowy Necromancers and Shackle the Banshees. Focus fire on a Shadowy Necromancer or Banshee while the tanks build up aggro.
As soon as the tanks are confident in their aggro, AoE everything down, finish off what's left and drink before the boss.
The Boss - Kaz'Rogal
He will come from the same area that all the waves came from. He'll walk slowly until he finds a target to engage, if all the mobs in the front are already dead. Otherwise, he'll kill them first.
It doesn't matter too much where Kaz'rogal is tanked nor what your positions are, so long as the mana using classes are 10-15 yards away from each other to prevent multiple deaths from the Mark of Kaz'Rogal. Melee need to stand behind the boss to avoid his Cleave.
Moving him to engage the tauren warriors and Thrall in the battle is a useful bonus, even though Thrall will nearly always join the fights no matter what. If you have all the tauren still up, they provide a significant help. Together with Thrall they can do about 15% of the damage to the boss.
Give your tank about 10 seconds for aggro then start DPS-ing like mad. Give him more time if you happen to overaggro a lot.
He sometimes does a War Stomp which really isn't that much of an issue, apart from the annoying damage. It can also be outranged by the melee.
The key to this fight is DPS. All out DPS. You need to kill him before he burns all your mana and then kills you.
Use Mana Potions,Demonic Runes, Night Dragon's Breath, and anything alse that can give you extra mana.
If you can organise it, Soulstone some mana-based DPS, or even a healer(if you think you'll lack healing) when they reach 0 mana and are going to die from the next mark.
In the beginning, he'll use his Mark of Kaz'rogal ability every 60 seconds, but he uses it more and more often as the fight progresses, with the gap decreasing by 10 seconds each time, to the point where it will virtually be cast continually. This puts an effective enrage timer on the boss of approximately 3 and a half minutes, so you need as much DPS as you can get.
Class Comments
Taunt loose mobs, don't let them get on the casters, and be ready for AoE Taunt if anything goes wrong.
Melee DPS
If you're not tanking any mobs, and you're a feral druid or fury warrior, make sure to Taunt mobs off the Horde NPCs if the NPCs get low on health. Your primary focus is Banshees and Shadowy Necromancers. On Kaz'Rogal do your best DPS.
On the non-Abomination waves, position is irreleveant. In Abomination waves it's crucial to be out of melee range of the Abominations. Sheep the Shadowy Necromancers, Counterspell their Shadowbolts, and keep an eye on the sheep. On Kaz'Rogal do your best DPS and do not go out of mana.
On the non-Abomination waves, position is irreleveant. In Abomination waves it's crucial to be out of melee range of the Abominations. Fear the Shadowy Necromancers if the sheeping isn't fast enough, but don't fear too much as chasing down the mobs saps raid DPS. On Kaz'Rogal do as much DPS as you can. Use Life Tap as much as you can so you don't go out of mana.
You'll be kiting the undead mobs to the back of the raid, to engage Thrall and the other mobs in the back into the fight. Use Aspect of the Cheetah if you're having troubles, and don't let the mobs hit you. Kite the mobs through the AoE whenever you can. On Kaz'Rogal, use Aspect of the Viper and DPS as much as you can. Use Pets to help with the damage.
At the trash, simply keep the raid alive. Shamans and Paladins help out the AoE with Magma Totems, Holy Wrath, and Consecration. At Kaz'Rogal, use all your mana saving buffs and spells. Mana Tide Totems and Mana Spring are mandatory as you'd guess. Paladins be ready to use Lay on Hands on the tank when the raid healers go out of mana.
Tanks: 5 (A mix of protection and fury warriors and feral druids)
Healers: 6
DPS : 14
Some of the "tanks" can be DPS specced and change from tanking gear to DPS gear at the end of the waves.
Buffs, Potions and Gear
Lots of mana potions, Night Dragon's Breath, Demonic Runes; anything that can give you mana.
The shadow protection buff from priests and Medallion of Karabor are useful for countering the Mark of Kaz'Rogal. Full shadow protection gear is not viable, however, as the boss fight is a DPS race.
DPS should be potted up the entire time.
Boss Abilities
HP - 4,200,000
Melee Strength - 2000-3000 on plate.
Cleave - Kaz'rogal has a frontal cleave that hits a well geared tank for up to 10,000, but can hit anyone else for a lot more.
Mark of Kaz'Rogal - Kaz'Rogal places a debuff on everybody in the raid, called Mark of Kaz'Rogal. It has no effect on non-mana users. On everyone else, it drains 600 mana every second for 5 seconds for a total of 3000 mana. If you don't have any mana to drain, you will detonate for 10213 to 11287 shadow damage in a 10-15 yard area around you.
If the Mark runs you out of mana and detonates, you will take considerably less damage if you have some mana to be drained than if it hits you on empty.
The general rule with dealing with this is: do everything you can to avoid going out of mana, and drink mana potions like crazy.
A good thing is that both this damage and the Mark itself are resistable with things like the shadow protection buff from priests and the Medallion of Karabor, etc. It's not a sure thing, but some players report resisting up to 75% of the damage and Marks (whilst, of course, some resist none at all).
War Stomp - Periodically uses this ability, dealing 2313-2687 damage to everybody in a 15 yards radius of him, stunning them for 5 seconds. Does not cause the MT to lose aggro. Because Kaz'rogal is so enormous, and his hitbox is too, it is actually possible for melee to hit him whilst standing out of range of this ability.
Dispel - Randomly dispels one magic effect from a player.

The Mobs

HP - 180,000
Melee Strength - About 3k on plate.
Poison Aura - Sometimes the Abomination will use a poison cloud-like ability, dealing roughly 750 damage to everyone around the Abomination every 3 seconds.
Shackle-able / Fear-able/ Trap-able
HP - 140,000
Melee Strength - About 1.5k on plate.
Cannibalise - When they go low on health, the ghouls will run to a corpse and start cannibalizing it, restoring about 7% of their health every 2 seconds, for 10 seconds.
If you see a ghoul cannibalizing, you must stun it or Shackle it or even fear it as fast as you can to prevent it restoring health. A cannibalizing ghoul takes an entire raid's worth of DPS to kill.
Shackle-able / Fear-able/ Trap-able

HP - 120,000
Unholy Frenzy - Increases an ally's attack speed by 100% for 20 sec, but also inflicts 500 nature damage to that ally every 2 sec.
Shadow Bolt - A bolt of shadow dealing 2250-2750 to the current target.
Cripple - Increases the time between an enemy's attacks by 100% and decreases movement speed by 50%, in addition to reducing its strength by 50%. Lasts 15 sec. Can be dispelled.
Summon Skeletons - Summon a skeleton from a nearby corpse. They can be either a Skeleton Invader, with 32k HP, or a Skeleton Mage with 24k HP. One is a melee type, the other one is a caster. They are no real threat, just an irritation.
Sheep-able / Fear-able / Trap-able
HP - 83,000
Banshee Curse - Reduces chance to hit by 66% for 5 min. Decurseable.
Banshee Wail - Much like a Shadow Bolt, it causes 2475 to 3025 to the current target.
Anti-Magic Shell - Creates an anti-magic shield around the caster, absorbing up to 200,000 magic damage for 30 seconds. Can be pruged.
Sheep-able / Fear-able / Trap-able

HP - 170,000
Melee Strength - About 2k on plate.
They will sometimes shoot out tiny spiders at a random person in range. They do about 300-400 damage total. Absolutely nothing to worry about.
Web - They will sometimes put a web around someone, immobilizing him for 10 seconds.
Shackle-able / Fear-able / Trap-able
Parts of waves 2 and 4 in large numbers.
HP - 120,000.
Melee Strength - About 1.5k on plate.
Gargoyle Strike - Deals 850 to 1150 nature damage to an enemy. The spell has a 35 yard range and a 1.5 second cast.
The Gargoyles will start in the air, out of melee range. Howoever, if they aggro someone and he goes out of their Gargoyle Strike range, they will land and follow by ground and remain grounded.

HP - 330,000
They will remain airborne until they die, and so cannot be damaged by melee. They will come in waves 6 and 7 from the direction of the 2 Towers where the tanks and Shadowy Necromancer DPS are.
Frost Breath - A 3 second cast, 35 yard range ability that deals 2550 to 3450 frost damage to it's target and everyone in 8 yards around it, and slowing their movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.
Have him off tanked by a hunter / mage / warlock somewhere away from people.

Horde NPCs
They're all elite, do mediocre damage and have tons of HP.
They're all over the horde base in a very chaotic manner.
The most useful of the NPCs are the tauren warriors as they do a ton of damage and have an AoE War Stomp. Do not let them die. Taunt mobs off them, have paladins and hunters take aggro on them, or even mages or warlocks, but don't let the tauren warriors die. They are amazing help.
The rest of the NPCs aren't all that valuable.

The Fight
The waves come every 3 minutes, except for wave 8, which gives you 4 minutes before the boss.

Wave 1
4 Abominations, 2 Banshees, 4 Ghouls, 2 Shadowy Necromancers.
Sheep a Shadowy Necromancer, Shackle the Banshees. Have 2 hunters pulling Ghouls to the tauren warrior and Thrall camps, then returning them to the raid. While the tanks are building aggro on the Ghouls and Abominations, have your melee start killing the Shadowy Necromancers and Banshees, making sure you have rogues/DPS warriors interrupting the Shadowy Necromancers' Shadow Bolts and Raise Dead abilities.
Tanks call for AoE when you think you have solid enough aggro, and mages/warlocks start to AoE. Melee can go help as soon as Shadowy Necromancers and Banshees are dead.
Wave 2
4 Ghouls, 10 Gargoyles
Have 3 hunters or 2 hunters and a warlock/mage pull the Gargoyles from their spot to the raid to ground them. If Thrall reset, pull one Ghoul over to him to engage him.
Have the tanks grab the Gargoyles from the hunters and tank them. As soon as you have good aggro, just AoE them. Kill off the Ghouls or a single Gargoyle while you wait for the aggro buildup.

6 Crypt Fiends, 4 Shadowy Necromancers, 4 Ghouls
Sheep the Shadowy Necromancers. Kite 2 Ghouls to the camps to pick up the warriors and Thrall. Melee should kill off 1-2 Shadowy Necromancers till there's enough aggro on the rest, then AoE. Kill off whatever's left.
Wave 4
6 Gargoyles, 6 Crypt Fiends, 2 Shadowy Necromancers
Sheep a Shadowy Necromancer, melee on the other one. Try to kill them both before the AoE.
Pull 2 Crypt Fiends to the tauren and Thrall camps, then back into the raid. Have 2 hunters pull the Gargoyles back to the raid .
Wave 5
4 Ghouls, 4 Shadowy Necromancers, 6 Abominations
Shackle an Abomination or two if you think you can't handle the damage. Sheep 2-3 Shadowy Necromancers, and kill off 1-2 before the AoE. Kite 2 Ghouls back to the tauren and Thrall camps then return them to to the raid. AoE when the tanks call for it, then finish off whatever's left alive.

8 Gargoyles, 1 Frost Wyrm
Have 3 hunters or 2 hunters and a warlock/mage pull the Gargoyles from their spot to the raid to ground them. Have the tanks grab the Gargoyles from the hunters and tank them. Kill them with melee and good AoE
Stronger single target ranged DPS should focus on the Frost Wyrm.
Make sure to have a Hunter or any high aggro caster hold aggro on the Frost Wyrm and be somewhere away from the raid to prevent extra damage from its attack.
Kill the Frost Wyrm and start AoE-ing the tanked targets.
Wave 7
Same tactics as for 6
Wave 8
2 Crypt Fiends, 6 Ghouls, 2 Banshees, 2 Shadowy Necromancers, 6 Abominations.
It's one big, bad wave; a mix of most of the mobs you've met so far.
Pull off 2 Ghouls to the tauren/Thrall camps. Sheep the Shadowy Necromancers and Shackle the Banshees. Focus fire on a Shadowy Necromancer or Banshee while the tanks build up aggro.
As soon as the tanks are confident in their aggro, AoE everything down, finish off what's left and drink before the boss.
The Boss - Kaz'Rogal
He will come from the same area that all the waves came from. He'll walk slowly until he finds a target to engage, if all the mobs in the front are already dead. Otherwise, he'll kill them first.

It doesn't matter too much where Kaz'rogal is tanked nor what your positions are, so long as the mana using classes are 10-15 yards away from each other to prevent multiple deaths from the Mark of Kaz'Rogal. Melee need to stand behind the boss to avoid his Cleave.
Moving him to engage the tauren warriors and Thrall in the battle is a useful bonus, even though Thrall will nearly always join the fights no matter what. If you have all the tauren still up, they provide a significant help. Together with Thrall they can do about 15% of the damage to the boss.
Give your tank about 10 seconds for aggro then start DPS-ing like mad. Give him more time if you happen to overaggro a lot.
He sometimes does a War Stomp which really isn't that much of an issue, apart from the annoying damage. It can also be outranged by the melee.
The key to this fight is DPS. All out DPS. You need to kill him before he burns all your mana and then kills you.
Use Mana Potions,Demonic Runes, Night Dragon's Breath, and anything alse that can give you extra mana.
If you can organise it, Soulstone some mana-based DPS, or even a healer(if you think you'll lack healing) when they reach 0 mana and are going to die from the next mark.
In the beginning, he'll use his Mark of Kaz'rogal ability every 60 seconds, but he uses it more and more often as the fight progresses, with the gap decreasing by 10 seconds each time, to the point where it will virtually be cast continually. This puts an effective enrage timer on the boss of approximately 3 and a half minutes, so you need as much DPS as you can get.

Taunt loose mobs, don't let them get on the casters, and be ready for AoE Taunt if anything goes wrong.
Melee DPS
If you're not tanking any mobs, and you're a feral druid or fury warrior, make sure to Taunt mobs off the Horde NPCs if the NPCs get low on health. Your primary focus is Banshees and Shadowy Necromancers. On Kaz'Rogal do your best DPS.
On the non-Abomination waves, position is irreleveant. In Abomination waves it's crucial to be out of melee range of the Abominations. Sheep the Shadowy Necromancers, Counterspell their Shadowbolts, and keep an eye on the sheep. On Kaz'Rogal do your best DPS and do not go out of mana.
On the non-Abomination waves, position is irreleveant. In Abomination waves it's crucial to be out of melee range of the Abominations. Fear the Shadowy Necromancers if the sheeping isn't fast enough, but don't fear too much as chasing down the mobs saps raid DPS. On Kaz'Rogal do as much DPS as you can. Use Life Tap as much as you can so you don't go out of mana.
You'll be kiting the undead mobs to the back of the raid, to engage Thrall and the other mobs in the back into the fight. Use Aspect of the Cheetah if you're having troubles, and don't let the mobs hit you. Kite the mobs through the AoE whenever you can. On Kaz'Rogal, use Aspect of the Viper and DPS as much as you can. Use Pets to help with the damage.
At the trash, simply keep the raid alive. Shamans and Paladins help out the AoE with Magma Totems, Holy Wrath, and Consecration. At Kaz'Rogal, use all your mana saving buffs and spells. Mana Tide Totems and Mana Spring are mandatory as you'd guess. Paladins be ready to use Lay on Hands on the tank when the raid healers go out of mana.