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Reliquary of Souls Strategy Guide
Raid Setup
2 Tanks ( 1 Warrior is needed in phase 2 for Deaden; other phases are more flexible)
7 Healers
16 DPS
Buffs, Potions and Gear
For phase 3, you will need a Cauldron of Major Nature Protection for each serious attempt. Phases 1 and 2 are pretty tough, so you won't need it on your first visit.
A mix of elixirs/flasks and stamina food is advised to achieve success in the different phases.
For healers it is recommended to use +healing elixirs instead of mp5 flasks since raw healing power is what you will need to keep up the raid in a short period of time where mana shouldn't be much of a problem.
Boss Abilities
Reliquary of Souls (RoS from now on), is a boss that consists of three different phases, each one very different from the previous and challenging in a new way. Each phase has an "Aura" that affects the entire raid throughout that phase.
HP: 2,300,000 on each phase.
Melee: Between 1,000-1,500. Cannot critically hit.
Melee damage is not that important outside Phase 1; you will be worrying much more about the abilities detailed below.
Essence Of Suffering ("EoS") - Phase One
Aura of Suffering
Healing effects reduced by 100%. Regeneration effects reduced by 100%. Armor reduced by 100%. Defense reduced by 500. Applied on the whole raid. Lasts until the boss switches to the next phase.
A player gains aggro when marked with this debuff. Cast every 5 seconds on the closest target.
Every minute, approximately, EoS will Enrage and start dealing a lot more damage (between 3000 and 4000 per strike). Enrage is a reliable timer, and the Bigwigs mod covers it, so it is worth having at least one raid member with it installed. Lasts for 15 seconds.
Soul Drain
Randomly targetted spell which deals damage and drains mana: 2,500-3,400 damage/mana drained every 3 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds. Dispellable. Resistable.
Essence Of Desire ("EoD") - Phase Two
Aura of Desire
Damage taken when damage dealt (50%). Healing increased by 100%. Decreases maximum mana over time. Lasts until the next phase switch. Takes 160 seconds to drain your raid's mana completely.
Increases damage taken by 100% on the target. Lasts 10 seconds. Cast every 30-35 seconds on the primary aggro target. Can be Spellreflect-ed and interrupted.
Spirit Shock
Disorient-type attack that deals huge damage (9,200 to 11,000) on the main aggro target. Each time EoD successfully casts a Spirit Shock, the cast time decreases and the spell disorients the target for 5 seconds, thereby causing a tank switch. Must always be interrupted. 1 second cast time. Cast every 5 seconds.
Rune Shield
EoD will cast a self-shield (it's easy to spot as it's really shiny), that can be Devoured (Felhunter) and Spellsteal-ed. It must be removed from her as soon as possible, as it absorbs around 40k damage and gives immunity to melee. Lasts until removed.
Essence Of Anger ("EoA") - Phase Three
Aura of Anger
Deals shadow damage over time. Increases damage dealt. Effects increase over time. This dot starts off at 103 damage per tick and increases by 103 each time it ticks. ie.
1st tick: 103
2nd tick: 206
3rd tick: 309
4th tick: 412
Randomly targetted on individuals in the raid. After 6 seconds of immunity to all damage, you will get hit by 7444-7556 nature damage. You need to take a Major Nature Protection Potion from the Cauldron of Major Nature Protection before the six seconds are over, or you'll die to either the combined damage of the nature damage and the Aura of Anger.
Soul Scream
Deals 2,500-3,400 shadow damage, mana burns for 4,000-6,000 and burns rage too: every rage burned adds 100 damage. Area of effect in a large frontal cone. For example a tank with 50 rage will typically get hit for 11,000 damage:
3,000 damage from initial effect + (80 x 100) = 11,000 damage
Increases threat generated by 200%. Lasts 10 seconds. Only cast when the boss switches target, either from aggro pull or Taunt. It is therefore possible to avoid Seethe ever being cast.
Path To The Boss
In order to reach Reliquary of Souls you will have to clean some of the room before the boss. This room works just like the old Blackwing Lair Broodlord gauntlet. For those who don't know, it's basically a room where respawn timers are really short so you need to make your way to the boss very quickly.
The best way to do this is in 3 steps, always sticking to the right side and everyone moving at the same pace. The average pack will normally contain a couple of red wisp shaded souls (Detect Invisibility helps with seeing them), 2 purple souls and a blue soul (the ghost model).
Each of these packs represents a step, for a total of 3 steps. After the last one you should be standing near the wall at the end of this room looking at Reliquary of Souls down the slope at the end of the next room.
Important: As soon as the last pack dies everyone must go down the slope right away or you'll pull some ghosts while you start the RoS event.
Important: If for some reason you are slow on killing the last pack, don't try killing mobs as they respawn; tank them until the full pack is respawned, then AoE them down all down together and move the whole raid quickly down the slope as soon as the last one dies.
The key to this fight is to get a perfect phase one and good interrupters in phase two. Phase three is just a DPS race against the Aura dealing shadow damage.
Let's split the positioning between the phases:
Phase One
This phase is all about positioning and repositioning in a tightly coordinated way. On the diagram, the selection ring of EoS is shown. This is the actual red glowing ring that apears beneath the boss when it is your current target. Point A is at the center of that ring, in the middle of the boss. Point B represents any spot on the border of that ring.
With perfect execution, the boss will never move throughout the entire stage. Realistically, you will get some small shifts even with a good execution, The positioning of raid members outside of these points is not important.
Phases Two And Three
These phases are not really a problem positioning-wise. Stay in two camps to keep it easy. Good assignment of healers is needed into three groups: tank healers, melee DPS healers and ranged DPS healers. Shamans prove to be good at chain healing the packed groups so use them wisely.
The Fight
The fight is initiated when you step onto the slope I wrote about in the "Path To The Boss".
As soon as you start moving down the slope when you've killed the ghosts as instructed, the RoS event will begin.
Essence Of Suffering - Phase 1
As soon as phase 1 begins, heals will be nullified by the aura.
At the start, have your hunters run in and stand at point A. EoS will Fixate on one of them. The Fixated hunter should move to point B. This prevents EoS aggroing onto the same hunter twice, because the hunters at point A are "closer" to EoS, but won't cause EoS to shift its own position, because point B is still in range. As soon as the first hunter is Fixated, begin DPS, but without any non-hunters moving inside the selection circle.
After 5 seconds, EoS will move onto the next hunter. The first hunter should move well out of the selection circle and start DPS-ing the boss with his ranged attacks.
All DPS throughout all of phase 1 can go all out. There is no danger of drawing aggro.
Continue this process until each hunter has been Fixated. When the last hunter is fixated, he moves to point B like the ones before him, and the entire rest of the raid moves to stand at point A.
This procedure now continues with the entire raid. The Fixated person moves to point B, and those who are able to take the next Fixate stand at point A. Any class is capable of surviving at least one Fixate; they only take 5 hits. The important things are: not to move too far away when Fixated, not to be asleep and miss the fact that you have been Fixated, and generally to be alert.
When moving from point A to point B, edge out in small steps. You want to avoid moving outside the circle and then back in, as this will move the boss and cause compilcations.
When Enrage is about to be cast, the raid should run outside of the selection circle, with these exceptions:
1) The currently Fixated player, who stays at point B. A very common eror is for this player to run off with everybody else, and thus move the boss.
2) Tanks: protection warriors and feral druids and anybody else who can survive a powerful attack.
The procedure for the Enrage is the same as the rest of phase one, except you have now reduced the possible targets to your tougher classes. EoS behaves in exactly the same way, only it hits a lot harder. It lasts for 3 Fixates (15 seconds).
Don't overestimate the capacity of your tanks to survive solo tanking without heals. As soon as the Enrage is over, the rest of the raid must move back to point A and resume the procedure outlined above. You may find rogues are a good class to move in first as they can Evasion tank the tail end of the Enrage fairly effectively if necessary. Power Word: Shield can also be used during Enrage to keep the Fizated person alive if necessary.
When melee classes do not wish to take a Fixate (because they could not survive it or because they are saving their health for the next Enrage), they can move outside of the selection circle and stay in melee range.
Blessing of Potection is a gamble in this phase, and should be strictly a last resort, avoided altogether if possible. Like other Fixate-type mobs in the game, EoS does have an aggro list, only Fixate overrides it. If you BoP the Fixate target, you will probably see EoS fly off at great speed towards a mage or warlock and kill it, then start Fixating the nearest target. This will often lead to a wipe, so only use BoP if you are certain a player is about to die.
With good DPS, you will need to live through 2 Enrages. Needing to go through 3 Enrages is very normal.
Finally, when you get the boss to 1%, it goes back to its spawn spot and give you a little rest time.
Ghost Time
Between phase one and phase 2, several ghosts will appear from three spot lights at the edges of the room. Make everyone gather and AoE them down. Each time a ghost dies, everyone gets full health and mana.
Shortly after the ghosts are dead, phase 2 will begin.
Essence Of Desire - Phase 2
As soon as phase 2 begins, the tank will run to the spawn spot and start building threat. This tank must be a warrior, since the main tank will be the one Spellreflect-ing the Deaden.
Also a new aura will be applied. This aura reduces mana, increases healing done and every single point of damage you do to EoD will be returned to you as 50% of what you did.
You Frostbolt EoD for 4,600
You take 2,300 damage.
This ability, combined with "Deaden", can two-shot any caster, so be sure to keep them warned about their crits.
There are several things to do here so let's try to keep it as simple as we can:
First of all, the Rune Shield EoD casts must be removed as soon as possible or you will not be able to interrupt its spells (which will quickly wipe you). There are several ways of doing it: mages Spellstealing and felhunters helping with Devour are good enough.
At the same time, we have the Deaden and Spirit Shocks. You want to Spellreflect Deaden onto the boss to boost your DPS and interrupt the Spirit Shock to avoid a wipe because of the disorient effect and the consequent MT switch (thereby killing your melee, most likely).
For interrupts, you will need rogues, mages and warriors setting a good rotation on Kick/Pummel/Counterspell, otherwise your raid will be done for. You can't keep a tank second on the threat list as the raid DPS needs to be very high. As the Kick cooldown is comparatively short, a good system is to use 3 rogues in rotation, with another player standing by for backup. It's important not to interrupt the Deadens, as they need to be reflected back on the boss to boost raid DPS (and there's always "Essence of Desire's Deaden is resisted by Essence of Desire"). The Deadens are precious, the Spirit Shocks are deadly, and the cast times are short, so a lot of work and focus must go into the interrupting.
From a healer's point of view, you will be either constantly healing the main tank to keep him up with the damage he is receiving or constantly healing DPSers because of the half damage taken from their own damage dealt. Shamans prove to be really good at healing the packs of people because of their Chain Heal.
Finally, and as you can imagine, this is yet another DPS race where you fight against your mana, since the aura will be decreasing your mana pool over time. Clever use of Deaden and correct assignment of healers for the tank and melee (between 2 and 3 healers in total) and the casters (the rest of the healers), is the way to get this correctly done.
There are some further survival tricks that can get you down the last 5% even if you are out of mana. Each priest can save their Inner Focus to dispel EoD's Rune Shield to remove it. Paladins can use Lay on Hands to keep the tank alive. The other critical abilities; Kick and Spellreflect; are of course unaffected by the mana shortage.
Once again when EoD reaches 1%, it will go to the spawn spot and another ghost phase begins.
Essence Of Anger - Phase 3
A short time after the ghosts are dead, this last phase begins. Your tank has to run again to the spawn point and start building aggro.
The MT must turn Essence of Anger's back to the raid immediately to keep Soul Scream off the raid. Of course the MT will still be getting hit by Soul Scream, which will burn his rage and deal extra damage.
The Aura of Anger will be boosting the aggro from DPS faster than that from the tank, as his extra aggro abilities like Sunder Armor, Shield Slam, etc will not be affected.
Spite can be dealt with by taking Major Nature Protection Potions, as explained in the ability above. Seethe will only affect your raid if
Seethe should not be cast if EoA is not aggroed from the MT or Taunted back. If Seethe hits anyone but the MT, they need to cut right down on all high aggro or damage abilities until it wears off.
This will be a major DPS test for your raid. Blood Lust/Heroism, Haste Potions, Destruction Potions, cooldown abilities, trinkets: EVERYTHING has to be used in order to deal maximum damage to the boss, including using a Healing Potion to keep yourself up for one last tick from the Aura. You realistically need to take down the boss in about 100 seconds, by which time half the raid will be dead.
In addition to the above, the Aura will also be increasing its damage done to the raid quite fast. In the end, it will reach peaks of 3-4k per tick, making it impossible to heal. By this time, EoA should be dead or almost dead since you won't be able to take much from the Aura at that stage.
As a healer your main priority will be keeping up the main tank (Soul Scream plus the Aura will be tough) and also everyone will be taking damage from the Aura, which you need to heal through. Healers will most likely need a few tries on this phase before they get used to what's going on and adapt to the most effective healing strategies. Make sure everybody is in a role where they can get the most healing per second out of their class and spec. People should use Healthstones and potions when the Aura ticks start becoming high (2,000-3,000) in order to ease the healers' work.
Important: The Aura resets on an individual basis when you die, meaning that if it was ticking for 3,000, you die, and you ankh or soulstone, it will start over on you individually from the intial damage level (103). It will still be ticking for 3,000 on the rest of the raid, of course. A proper use of soulstones on low HP people can boost your DPS a fair bit, but you shouldn't rely on this to win the fight.
Class Assignments
Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description, remembering to save your health for the enraged stages. DPS all the time.
Phase 2: If you are MT, you will be Spellreflect-ing his Deaden and building as much threat as you can.
Phase 3: Tank Essence of Anger, pointing it away from the raid, and use up your rage as fast as you can.
Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. You may have to save your health for the enraged stages so you can Evasion tank. DPS all the time.
Phase 2: Interrupt Spirit Shock, taking great care not to interrupt Deaden, and DPS.
Phase 3: DPS as much as possible.
Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. You may have to save your health for the enraged stages if you have high stamina. DPS all the time.
Phase 2: DPS as much as possible and use felhunter if your raid decides to remove the Rune Shield that way.
Phase 3: DPS as much as possible.
Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. DPS all the time.
Phase 2: DPS as much as possible and use Spellsteal if your raid decides to remove the Rune Shield that way.
Phase 3: DPS as much as possible.
Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. DPS all the time.
Phase 2/3: DPS as much as possible. Using Misdirection is advised on phases 2 and 3 so that tanks can get extra threat (thus allowing more DPS).
Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. DPS all the time. Dispel Soul Drain.
Phase 2: Assigned in two different groups: first one being the Main Tank and melee DPS and the second being the ranged group. Shamans prove to be good at this with Chain Heal.
Phase 3: Again an intensive healing fight where you need to assign healers to both melee and tank as well as the ranged DPS players.
Reliquary of Souls Strategy Guide
Raid Setup
2 Tanks ( 1 Warrior is needed in phase 2 for Deaden; other phases are more flexible)
7 Healers
16 DPS
Buffs, Potions and Gear
For phase 3, you will need a Cauldron of Major Nature Protection for each serious attempt. Phases 1 and 2 are pretty tough, so you won't need it on your first visit.
A mix of elixirs/flasks and stamina food is advised to achieve success in the different phases.
For healers it is recommended to use +healing elixirs instead of mp5 flasks since raw healing power is what you will need to keep up the raid in a short period of time where mana shouldn't be much of a problem.

Boss Abilities
Reliquary of Souls (RoS from now on), is a boss that consists of three different phases, each one very different from the previous and challenging in a new way. Each phase has an "Aura" that affects the entire raid throughout that phase.
HP: 2,300,000 on each phase.
Melee: Between 1,000-1,500. Cannot critically hit.
Melee damage is not that important outside Phase 1; you will be worrying much more about the abilities detailed below.
Essence Of Suffering ("EoS") - Phase One
Aura of Suffering
Healing effects reduced by 100%. Regeneration effects reduced by 100%. Armor reduced by 100%. Defense reduced by 500. Applied on the whole raid. Lasts until the boss switches to the next phase.
A player gains aggro when marked with this debuff. Cast every 5 seconds on the closest target.
Every minute, approximately, EoS will Enrage and start dealing a lot more damage (between 3000 and 4000 per strike). Enrage is a reliable timer, and the Bigwigs mod covers it, so it is worth having at least one raid member with it installed. Lasts for 15 seconds.
Soul Drain
Randomly targetted spell which deals damage and drains mana: 2,500-3,400 damage/mana drained every 3 seconds. Lasts 30 seconds. Dispellable. Resistable.

Aura of Desire
Damage taken when damage dealt (50%). Healing increased by 100%. Decreases maximum mana over time. Lasts until the next phase switch. Takes 160 seconds to drain your raid's mana completely.
Increases damage taken by 100% on the target. Lasts 10 seconds. Cast every 30-35 seconds on the primary aggro target. Can be Spellreflect-ed and interrupted.
Spirit Shock
Disorient-type attack that deals huge damage (9,200 to 11,000) on the main aggro target. Each time EoD successfully casts a Spirit Shock, the cast time decreases and the spell disorients the target for 5 seconds, thereby causing a tank switch. Must always be interrupted. 1 second cast time. Cast every 5 seconds.
Rune Shield
EoD will cast a self-shield (it's easy to spot as it's really shiny), that can be Devoured (Felhunter) and Spellsteal-ed. It must be removed from her as soon as possible, as it absorbs around 40k damage and gives immunity to melee. Lasts until removed.
Essence Of Anger ("EoA") - Phase Three
Aura of Anger
Deals shadow damage over time. Increases damage dealt. Effects increase over time. This dot starts off at 103 damage per tick and increases by 103 each time it ticks. ie.
1st tick: 103
2nd tick: 206
3rd tick: 309
4th tick: 412
Randomly targetted on individuals in the raid. After 6 seconds of immunity to all damage, you will get hit by 7444-7556 nature damage. You need to take a Major Nature Protection Potion from the Cauldron of Major Nature Protection before the six seconds are over, or you'll die to either the combined damage of the nature damage and the Aura of Anger.
Soul Scream
Deals 2,500-3,400 shadow damage, mana burns for 4,000-6,000 and burns rage too: every rage burned adds 100 damage. Area of effect in a large frontal cone. For example a tank with 50 rage will typically get hit for 11,000 damage:
3,000 damage from initial effect + (80 x 100) = 11,000 damage
Increases threat generated by 200%. Lasts 10 seconds. Only cast when the boss switches target, either from aggro pull or Taunt. It is therefore possible to avoid Seethe ever being cast.
Path To The Boss
In order to reach Reliquary of Souls you will have to clean some of the room before the boss. This room works just like the old Blackwing Lair Broodlord gauntlet. For those who don't know, it's basically a room where respawn timers are really short so you need to make your way to the boss very quickly.

The best way to do this is in 3 steps, always sticking to the right side and everyone moving at the same pace. The average pack will normally contain a couple of red wisp shaded souls (Detect Invisibility helps with seeing them), 2 purple souls and a blue soul (the ghost model).

Each of these packs represents a step, for a total of 3 steps. After the last one you should be standing near the wall at the end of this room looking at Reliquary of Souls down the slope at the end of the next room.

Important: As soon as the last pack dies everyone must go down the slope right away or you'll pull some ghosts while you start the RoS event.
Important: If for some reason you are slow on killing the last pack, don't try killing mobs as they respawn; tank them until the full pack is respawned, then AoE them down all down together and move the whole raid quickly down the slope as soon as the last one dies.
The key to this fight is to get a perfect phase one and good interrupters in phase two. Phase three is just a DPS race against the Aura dealing shadow damage.
Let's split the positioning between the phases:
Phase One

This phase is all about positioning and repositioning in a tightly coordinated way. On the diagram, the selection ring of EoS is shown. This is the actual red glowing ring that apears beneath the boss when it is your current target. Point A is at the center of that ring, in the middle of the boss. Point B represents any spot on the border of that ring.
With perfect execution, the boss will never move throughout the entire stage. Realistically, you will get some small shifts even with a good execution, The positioning of raid members outside of these points is not important.
Phases Two And Three

These phases are not really a problem positioning-wise. Stay in two camps to keep it easy. Good assignment of healers is needed into three groups: tank healers, melee DPS healers and ranged DPS healers. Shamans prove to be good at chain healing the packed groups so use them wisely.
The Fight
The fight is initiated when you step onto the slope I wrote about in the "Path To The Boss".
As soon as you start moving down the slope when you've killed the ghosts as instructed, the RoS event will begin.

As soon as phase 1 begins, heals will be nullified by the aura.
At the start, have your hunters run in and stand at point A. EoS will Fixate on one of them. The Fixated hunter should move to point B. This prevents EoS aggroing onto the same hunter twice, because the hunters at point A are "closer" to EoS, but won't cause EoS to shift its own position, because point B is still in range. As soon as the first hunter is Fixated, begin DPS, but without any non-hunters moving inside the selection circle.
After 5 seconds, EoS will move onto the next hunter. The first hunter should move well out of the selection circle and start DPS-ing the boss with his ranged attacks.
All DPS throughout all of phase 1 can go all out. There is no danger of drawing aggro.
Continue this process until each hunter has been Fixated. When the last hunter is fixated, he moves to point B like the ones before him, and the entire rest of the raid moves to stand at point A.
This procedure now continues with the entire raid. The Fixated person moves to point B, and those who are able to take the next Fixate stand at point A. Any class is capable of surviving at least one Fixate; they only take 5 hits. The important things are: not to move too far away when Fixated, not to be asleep and miss the fact that you have been Fixated, and generally to be alert.
When moving from point A to point B, edge out in small steps. You want to avoid moving outside the circle and then back in, as this will move the boss and cause compilcations.
When Enrage is about to be cast, the raid should run outside of the selection circle, with these exceptions:
1) The currently Fixated player, who stays at point B. A very common eror is for this player to run off with everybody else, and thus move the boss.
2) Tanks: protection warriors and feral druids and anybody else who can survive a powerful attack.
The procedure for the Enrage is the same as the rest of phase one, except you have now reduced the possible targets to your tougher classes. EoS behaves in exactly the same way, only it hits a lot harder. It lasts for 3 Fixates (15 seconds).
Don't overestimate the capacity of your tanks to survive solo tanking without heals. As soon as the Enrage is over, the rest of the raid must move back to point A and resume the procedure outlined above. You may find rogues are a good class to move in first as they can Evasion tank the tail end of the Enrage fairly effectively if necessary. Power Word: Shield can also be used during Enrage to keep the Fizated person alive if necessary.
When melee classes do not wish to take a Fixate (because they could not survive it or because they are saving their health for the next Enrage), they can move outside of the selection circle and stay in melee range.
Blessing of Potection is a gamble in this phase, and should be strictly a last resort, avoided altogether if possible. Like other Fixate-type mobs in the game, EoS does have an aggro list, only Fixate overrides it. If you BoP the Fixate target, you will probably see EoS fly off at great speed towards a mage or warlock and kill it, then start Fixating the nearest target. This will often lead to a wipe, so only use BoP if you are certain a player is about to die.
With good DPS, you will need to live through 2 Enrages. Needing to go through 3 Enrages is very normal.
Finally, when you get the boss to 1%, it goes back to its spawn spot and give you a little rest time.
Ghost Time
Between phase one and phase 2, several ghosts will appear from three spot lights at the edges of the room. Make everyone gather and AoE them down. Each time a ghost dies, everyone gets full health and mana.
Shortly after the ghosts are dead, phase 2 will begin.

As soon as phase 2 begins, the tank will run to the spawn spot and start building threat. This tank must be a warrior, since the main tank will be the one Spellreflect-ing the Deaden.
Also a new aura will be applied. This aura reduces mana, increases healing done and every single point of damage you do to EoD will be returned to you as 50% of what you did.
You Frostbolt EoD for 4,600
You take 2,300 damage.
This ability, combined with "Deaden", can two-shot any caster, so be sure to keep them warned about their crits.
There are several things to do here so let's try to keep it as simple as we can:
First of all, the Rune Shield EoD casts must be removed as soon as possible or you will not be able to interrupt its spells (which will quickly wipe you). There are several ways of doing it: mages Spellstealing and felhunters helping with Devour are good enough.
At the same time, we have the Deaden and Spirit Shocks. You want to Spellreflect Deaden onto the boss to boost your DPS and interrupt the Spirit Shock to avoid a wipe because of the disorient effect and the consequent MT switch (thereby killing your melee, most likely).
For interrupts, you will need rogues, mages and warriors setting a good rotation on Kick/Pummel/Counterspell, otherwise your raid will be done for. You can't keep a tank second on the threat list as the raid DPS needs to be very high. As the Kick cooldown is comparatively short, a good system is to use 3 rogues in rotation, with another player standing by for backup. It's important not to interrupt the Deadens, as they need to be reflected back on the boss to boost raid DPS (and there's always "Essence of Desire's Deaden is resisted by Essence of Desire"). The Deadens are precious, the Spirit Shocks are deadly, and the cast times are short, so a lot of work and focus must go into the interrupting.
From a healer's point of view, you will be either constantly healing the main tank to keep him up with the damage he is receiving or constantly healing DPSers because of the half damage taken from their own damage dealt. Shamans prove to be really good at healing the packs of people because of their Chain Heal.
Finally, and as you can imagine, this is yet another DPS race where you fight against your mana, since the aura will be decreasing your mana pool over time. Clever use of Deaden and correct assignment of healers for the tank and melee (between 2 and 3 healers in total) and the casters (the rest of the healers), is the way to get this correctly done.
There are some further survival tricks that can get you down the last 5% even if you are out of mana. Each priest can save their Inner Focus to dispel EoD's Rune Shield to remove it. Paladins can use Lay on Hands to keep the tank alive. The other critical abilities; Kick and Spellreflect; are of course unaffected by the mana shortage.
Once again when EoD reaches 1%, it will go to the spawn spot and another ghost phase begins.

A short time after the ghosts are dead, this last phase begins. Your tank has to run again to the spawn point and start building aggro.
The MT must turn Essence of Anger's back to the raid immediately to keep Soul Scream off the raid. Of course the MT will still be getting hit by Soul Scream, which will burn his rage and deal extra damage.
The Aura of Anger will be boosting the aggro from DPS faster than that from the tank, as his extra aggro abilities like Sunder Armor, Shield Slam, etc will not be affected.
Spite can be dealt with by taking Major Nature Protection Potions, as explained in the ability above. Seethe will only affect your raid if
Seethe should not be cast if EoA is not aggroed from the MT or Taunted back. If Seethe hits anyone but the MT, they need to cut right down on all high aggro or damage abilities until it wears off.
This will be a major DPS test for your raid. Blood Lust/Heroism, Haste Potions, Destruction Potions, cooldown abilities, trinkets: EVERYTHING has to be used in order to deal maximum damage to the boss, including using a Healing Potion to keep yourself up for one last tick from the Aura. You realistically need to take down the boss in about 100 seconds, by which time half the raid will be dead.
In addition to the above, the Aura will also be increasing its damage done to the raid quite fast. In the end, it will reach peaks of 3-4k per tick, making it impossible to heal. By this time, EoA should be dead or almost dead since you won't be able to take much from the Aura at that stage.
As a healer your main priority will be keeping up the main tank (Soul Scream plus the Aura will be tough) and also everyone will be taking damage from the Aura, which you need to heal through. Healers will most likely need a few tries on this phase before they get used to what's going on and adapt to the most effective healing strategies. Make sure everybody is in a role where they can get the most healing per second out of their class and spec. People should use Healthstones and potions when the Aura ticks start becoming high (2,000-3,000) in order to ease the healers' work.
Important: The Aura resets on an individual basis when you die, meaning that if it was ticking for 3,000, you die, and you ankh or soulstone, it will start over on you individually from the intial damage level (103). It will still be ticking for 3,000 on the rest of the raid, of course. A proper use of soulstones on low HP people can boost your DPS a fair bit, but you shouldn't rely on this to win the fight.
Class Assignments
Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description, remembering to save your health for the enraged stages. DPS all the time.
Phase 2: If you are MT, you will be Spellreflect-ing his Deaden and building as much threat as you can.
Phase 3: Tank Essence of Anger, pointing it away from the raid, and use up your rage as fast as you can.
Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. You may have to save your health for the enraged stages so you can Evasion tank. DPS all the time.
Phase 2: Interrupt Spirit Shock, taking great care not to interrupt Deaden, and DPS.
Phase 3: DPS as much as possible.
Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. You may have to save your health for the enraged stages if you have high stamina. DPS all the time.
Phase 2: DPS as much as possible and use felhunter if your raid decides to remove the Rune Shield that way.
Phase 3: DPS as much as possible.
Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. DPS all the time.
Phase 2: DPS as much as possible and use Spellsteal if your raid decides to remove the Rune Shield that way.
Phase 3: DPS as much as possible.
Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. DPS all the time.
Phase 2/3: DPS as much as possible. Using Misdirection is advised on phases 2 and 3 so that tanks can get extra threat (thus allowing more DPS).
Phase 1: Follow the plan in the phase description. DPS all the time. Dispel Soul Drain.
Phase 2: Assigned in two different groups: first one being the Main Tank and melee DPS and the second being the ranged group. Shamans prove to be good at this with Chain Heal.
Phase 3: Again an intensive healing fight where you need to assign healers to both melee and tank as well as the ranged DPS players.