精华 4月13日星期天, 下午1点到4点 渥太华“宣传西藏真相,维护祖国统一”集会




Reflect History and Find Truth

Kristallnacht: The Night of Broken Glass
On November 7, 1938, Herschel Grynszpan, a 17 year old Polish Jewish student living in Paris, in reprisal for the expulsion of his family from Germany, shot Ernst -vom Rath, a German diplomat. It was a convenient pretext to escalate the campaign against the Jews.
As revenge for vom Rath's murder, Josef Goebbels coordinated a nationwide night of antisemitic terror, subsequently known as Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass). On the night of November 9, 1938, synagogues were burned, Jewish shops looted, Jewish homes vandalized, Jews were beaten and abused. Ninety-one were murdered and 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to concentration camps.

"Beginning systematically in the early morning hours in almost every town and city in the country, the wrecking, looting and burning continued all day. Huge, but mostly silent, crowds looked on and the police confined themselves to regulating traffic and making wholesale arrests of Jews 'for their own protection."
Otto Tolischus, The New York Times, November 10, 1938

"The Fuehrer could really have picked no better man than Heydrich for the campaign against the Jews. For them he was without mercy or pity." Heinrich Himmler, August 25, 1942

The Truth - Violence against People in Lassa

On March 11, 2008, from the morning, the organized Tibetan monks and mobs started to break the stores, loot, beat the store owners and keepers, and burn the stores and houses, set cars parking on the street on fire. They chased and beat the store owners and pass-by minority people on the street. And 18 innocent people were beaten or burned to death. Among the victims, there was an 8-month old baby who was found dead on the second floor of the burned house. Five young girls were burned to death in a looted store. At the end of day, more than 480 stores were destroyed.

It was masterminded by the “Free-Tibet” movement and so well organized that the local police enforcement were not enough to make it in control. After more police were called in to protect the residents and business and restore the order, suddenly all the western medias cried out the “crackdown of peaceful protect”. We have the right to know the truth and the true store without the prejudice of politics.
Media exposure.

good idea!!!!!!!!!!!!


A quarter-page, black and white ad on the Citizen will cost 4k on a weekday, and 5k on a weekday, that is if they allow you to put on something like "Support Beijing Olympic", nothing political, nothing sensitive. The full-page on the MetroNews, in colour costs somewhere around 2-3K, and reach more readers as it's free.

The other option is to do ad on OC transpo buses, outside or inside, it's said to cost about $9 per day for the little square.

The other suggestion is, to have a group cyclists, dressed up, with flags, riding around the city, showing our support and protest.

Just my 2 cents.
有心的同学可以收集一些加拿大媒体抹黑中国在西藏问题上的报道,例如CTV Mike Duffy那个节目的截屏,指出其中的错误,然后打出标语要求CTV/Mike道歉