精华 求助!新的3年OWP能不能给移民加分呢?

Factor 5 – Arranged Employment
(maximum 10 points)

To obtain points for this factor, you must have a permanent job offer in Canada, be capable of carrying out the work, and likely to accept the job. The job offer must be in an occupation listed in Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A or B of the National Occupational Classification. One of the following situations must also apply.
  1. You are working in Canada on a temporary work permit and
    1. your temporary work permit was issued after receipt of a positive labour market opinion of your job offer from Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC);
    2. you are currently working in that job;
    3. the work permit was valid at the time you made your permanent resident visa application and at the time the visa, if any, is issued; and
    4. your employer made an offer to employ you on an indeterminate basis once the permanent resident visa is issued.
  2. You are working in Canada on a temporary work permit and
    1. your temporary work permit was exempted from the requirement of obtaining a labour market opinion of your job offer from HRSDC on the basis of an international agreement (e.g., NAFTA or GATS), a significant benefit to Canada (e.g., intra-company transfer) or public policy on Canada’s academic or economic competitiveness (e.g., post-graduate work);
    2. you are currently working in that job;
    3. the work permit was valid at the time you made your permanent resident visa application and at the time the visa, if any, is issued; and
    4. your employer made an offer to employ you on an indeterminate basis once the permanent resident visa is issued.
  3. You are working in Canada on a temporary work permit and
    1. the circumstances described in 1 and 2 above do not apply to you;
    2. your employer has made an offer to employ you on an indeterminate basis once the permanent resident visa is issued; and
    3. your permanent job offer has received a positive labour market opinion from HRSDC. You cannot apply to HRSDC for a labour market opinion yourself. Your employer must apply for you.
  4. You do not intend to work in Canada before being issued a permanent resident visa, you do not hold a temporary work permit, and
    1. the employer has made an offer to employ you on an indeterminate basis once the permanent resident visa is issued; and
    2. your permanent job offer has received a positive labour market opinion from HRSDC. You cannot apply to HRSDC for a labour market opinion yourself. Your potential employer must apply for you.
    3. you meet the Canadian licensing or regulatory requirements for the job.
假设楼主说的是 arranged employment, 这些条件我看多 N 次了, 仅仅是有工作是无法满足的

而且楼主也没有介绍具体背景, 所以不过是我们两个在这里介绍背景, 落到 具体 case 上, 细节如何, 光这么说是决定不了的.
我最近出门, 欢迎来 yorkbbs 来看看, 多多讨论

规定是规定, 如何实施就不知道了.

三年的 OPEN WP 是个新东西, 很多东西还处于不定状态, 要有不同背景的人用自己的 case 往不同的 office 送, 头一批小白鼠实验结果出来了, 才知道.

例如那个 AEO 按照规定是铁定加分的, 可是有 N 多的人在 buffalo 就是没有拿到加分, ......
拿OWP那3年内的工作经验都可以算作给移民加分, 对吧?
那所以说刚大学毕业的international student 就算3个月内没找到工作也可以留下来了哦?

3個月之後還是可已留在加拿大繼續找工做的,3年的working experience都可已給移民加分如過你的工作是在noc裡面的,e.g. 如過你有2年的工作經驗,就可已有17分,
刚在约克BBS上看到的,夏天即将要出台的经验类移民,与技术移民不同的是,这个CEC移民种类不采用评分制。而是采用通过/不通过 (Pass/Fail) 的评估系统。如果申请人达到所有的要求,他们将通过移民申请。
• 以下是CEC经验类移民的基点评估项目:
a. 在加拿大学习时间的长度。
b. 加拿大工作经验
c. 语言能力
也许我理解的不对, 但我以为现在的PGWP就是OWP。 不是吗? 不限城市, 不限专业, 可以先拿WP后找工作, 这难道不是OWP么? 唯一的要求是毕业三个月内办理。
刚在约克BBS上看到的,夏天即将要出台的经验类移民,与技术移民不同的是,这个CEC移民种类不采用评分制。而是采用通过/不通过 (Pass/Fail) 的评估系统。如果申请人达到所有的要求,他们将通过移民申请。
• 以下是CEC经验类移民的基点评估项目:
a. 在加拿大学习时间的长度。
b. 加拿大工作经验
c. 语言能力
