请问有谁听过 Claridge Homes 这个builder 及他们的"Bridlewood Trails" Townhome

Buildinghomes.ca 的网友评价Calridge: one of worst builders in Ottawa;
我看过样板房,Urbandale 的房子是好的过了头,Calridge是差的过了头。我的经验告诉我除非万不得已不要去碰它。

Claridge's model home may not be as attractive as Urbandale's, but that does not mean it can not build decent houses...

When I was looking in the re-sale market last year, the only house I put offer on was built by Claridge..The house is gorgeous...It simply beats the ones built by Urbandale and Minto which I saw in Bridlewood area..

I am reading Buildinghomes.ca as well..I don't like the tone those people talking about the owner of Claridge...is it because Claridge's boss is an immigrant (as you and me), and made them feel jealous or whatever?..Sorry, this is off topic
The most three important things for home buyer is "location, location, location". Builder is not that important when you shop for a home. If Claridge were really that bad according to this forum, it would have gone to bankrupt long time ago.

Claridge clearly is not the best, but is not the worst neither.
谢谢你,我是外行,当然看不出来,urbandale 要比 Claridge 好多少.所以的好坏,都是听别人说的.我自己什么也没体会出来.说句傻话,我觉得所有的 Model 房都好的不得了. 我是真的觉得 Claridge 在bridlewood trial 的townhouse 很大很好.地理位置也比 soho west 好很多.唯一就是小孩只能上bridlewood comm E.s.
如果是EFI 的话,好象是 John Young. 我原来打算买 马路对面 Emernald Meadow 区 里Milner down 的urbandale 的旧房(价钱要比 Bridelewood trial 里的Claridge 新房小很多,贵1万多),打电话一问,也是上不了 Roch Carrier. 天下所有的人都说 Claridge 不好,只有你说他不坏,感到万分亲切!

You know how Milner Downs' kids go to Roch Carrier instead of Bridlewood Comm ES ?
They chose Early French Immersion...That was what I suggested before...

If you don't want your daughter to go to early French Immersion and you really like Bridlewood (e.g., like me :)) , you can look around the houses on Saddlesmith Circle. It is just next to Milner Downs, but kids on Saddlesmith Circle assigned to Roch Carrier...
谢谢你,我是外行,当然看不出来,urbandale 要比 Claridge 好多少.所以的好坏,都是听别人说的.我自己什么也没体会出来.说句傻话,我觉得所有的 Model 房都好的不得了. 我是真的觉得 Claridge 在bridlewood trial 的townhouse 很大很好.地理位置也比 soho west 好很多.唯一就是小孩只能上bridlewood comm E.s.
如果是EFI 的话,好象是 John Young. 我原来打算买 马路对面 Emernald Meadow 区 里Milner down 的urbandale 的旧房(价钱要比 Bridelewood trial 里的Claridge 新房小很多,贵1万多),打电话一问,也是上不了 Roch Carrier. 天下所有的人都说 Claridge 不好,只有你说他不坏,感到万分亲切!


谢谢你,好象是不管好EFI 还是 regular english , Bridlewood trial 都是没有任何可能去 roch carrier(Gr 6 enrollment: 53


regular english 是去
bridlewood (Gr 6 enrollment: 46


EFI 是去 John Young (Gr 6 enrollment: 64


我想这排名应该是指 Regular english program 的吗


刚才上了www.buildinghome.ca 上看了一下,也有20 多个贴自讨论 bridlewood trial. 好象没有一个讨论学校的,尽是讨论是否是 swamp land. 看来老外跟我们中国人真的是完全不一样.买房咋旧这么难呢? 可能是我太优柔寡断了吧

First I can gurantee you that Bridlewood Trail is not swamp land, it was corn field before...:) People on that thread on buildinghome.ca messed up with stoney swamp, trails in Bridlewood etc...

Second, you must waive that "好象".. You need to figure out and make it 100% sure..If one guy in school board cannot give you detailed info, then call another guy...or go to Roch Carrier check with the principal...

Buying a house is not easy for everyone -cons and pros, location and budget..we are all 优柔寡断 when spending that amount of money..there are lessons to learn..

There is no perfect house...if you don't regret this, then you would regret that...but, in the end, you will love your house and make it call a home...

Good luck for your house hunting!
could you share some ideas about why the town homes on Saddlesmith are so expensive, e.g., like this one on Grapevine

Grape Vine Home Marketing Consultants

You know how Milner Downs' kids go to Roch Carrier instead of Bridlewood Comm ES ?
They chose Early French Immersion...That was what I suggested before...

If you don't want your daughter to go to early French Immersion and you really like Bridlewood (e.g., like me :)) , you can look around the houses on Saddlesmith Circle. It is just next to Milner Downs, but kids on Saddlesmith Circle assigned to Roch Carrier...