Who knows about Investors Group ?

Like many investment company, all their agent are paid by commision only. The more they sold, the more money they make.

You can ask them how they get paid. By commision, by volume of trade, (yes, that why they always ask you to buy and sell all the time), or a set fee.

Nowaday, they will sell you insurance(life, term, mortage, health, auto,etc.) as well.
How about bank sell the mutual funds?
Did the bank agent are paid by commision for sale mutual fund? Thanks.
I have the same questions. Could someone please share their experience? Thanks a lot!
It's better to ask the person who sell the funds to you if he/she get paid by commission, you will get accurate answer from that person directly and it's required to disclose this kind of info in the compliance.

As far as I know, the banking officers(they also provide other banking services) in the branch do not paid by commissions. But may varies from banks to banks.
It's better to ask the person who sell the funds to you if he/she get paid by commission, you will get accurate answer from that person directly and it's required to disclose this kind of info in the compliance.

As far as I know, the banking officers(they also provide other banking services) in the branch do not paid by commissions. But may varies from banks to banks.

Most of the time, they will use the phase performance bonus (sales related of course) instead of commission.
Mutual Fund fees

In US same funds may have different kinds of shares: A shares, B shares, C shares and D shares.

From my memory:

A shares have front loads, that is your investment is charged a fee at the beginning.

B shares have back loads, that is the fee is charged to your investment when you sold the fund, some time the fee could be waived.

C shares do not have front/back load, but the fund may charge you a high marketing fee, 12b(?)

D Shares may not have these kinds of fees.

For ordinary people, just as someone suggested here, buy index funds through brokerage accounts. There are so many kinds of ETF available, it is not necessary to pay other people for fund choices.

If you like to get a financial advisor, then try to get one with fee only and he/she should work in your best interest.

Of course, you could always come here and ask for advices free :)
For ordinary people, just as someone suggested here, buy index funds through brokerage accounts. There are so many kinds of ETF available, it is not necessary to pay other people for fund choices.

If you like to get a financial advisor, then try to get one with fee only and he/she should work in your best interest.

Of course, you could always come here and ask for advices free :)

I should get some basic knowledge about index funds and ETF first. Could you please recommend some websites about them?

Thanks again!



炒股曾是一種時尙,炒賣共同基金曾産生了短期交易醜聞。介于這兩者之間有一種證券叫交易基金(Exchange Trade Funds, ETF)。筆者以前曾在此專欄多次提到過交易基金,現在此單獨介紹此種基金。

説起交易基金,大家並不陌生。納斯達克的QQQQ (以前是QQQ) 就屬於交易基金。類似的常見交易基金還有鑽石(Diamond, DIA)、蜘蛛(Spider, SPY)等。

首先,交易基金屬於共同基金的一種。大家知道,共同基金大致分爲兩類,即動態基金(Active Management funds) 和靜態基金 (Passitive Management funds)。動態基金的目標是取得高於市場指數的回報(beat the market);靜態基金的目標則是跟踪市場指數從而取得市場指數的回報(follow the market),所以也叫指數基金(Index funds)。歷史統計結果表明,絶大多數動態基金不能持速取得高於市場指數的回報。

交易基金一般都是指數基金。譬如,QQQQ跟踪的是納斯達克100指數,鑽石跟踪道瓊斯指數,而蜘蛛則跟踪標準普爾500(S&P 500)指數。



在過去的幾年里,交易基金髮展非常迅速。現在市場上買賣的交易基金有幾百種。常見的有巴克來斯(Barclays)的Ishare系列和蜘蛛家族的市場類別系列。有興趣的讀者可以到雅虎網站金融目録下查找交易基金詳細情况 (Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF) Center - Yahoo! Finance)


去年感恩節時,我在“感恩節隨筆”里講:金融方面的股票因爲受美國次優房屋按揭債券的影響,最近有較大跌幅。根據銀行業的周期,金融方面的 股票應當在明年四月份前後探底 (Touh Bottom)。現在四月份快到了,大家可以適當開始積累這方面的股票。金融方面的交易基金代號是XLF。金融方面的股票還可能往下跌,但主要問題已經顯示出來。一次不要買太多,在有大的跌幅時可以追加。在單股風險太高時,可買這方面的交易基金或優先股基金 (PGF)。五年以內,這方面的投資總回報應當會不錯。