Jean 开着壮硕的黑车在路上横冲直撞,在好几次都险些撞到推着小孩散步的人后才想起来挂警笛。后面乱作一团的两个书呆子也历尽千辛万苦的爬了起来,Sam 居然比 Duncan 敏捷,倒也是手长腿长不吃亏,抢先一步坐进了副驾驶的位置,Duncan 只好灰溜溜的蹲在两个人之间,紧抓着两个人的靠背以免自己又滚到车后门上贴着。
"This is the police. Would the gentleman in the gray jacket, please stop. This is the police. Would the gentleman in the gray jacket, please stop." Jean 在喇叭里强作心平气和喊话。
路边上跑的大磊腿脚还真不含糊。这五分多钟跑下来,一点也没慢,带着 Jean 一车人遛马路,在这片住宅区里逛起圈子来。
Jean 气得咯吱咯吱把牙咬得直响,把话筒扔给 Duncan 让他继续喊话。旁边坐着的 Sam 习惯性的认为 Jean 是歧视他有口音,明显不满的哼了一声,Jean 瞪了他一眼,理直气壮的丢下一句话 "You are not even real police"。Sam 也就不吱声了。
大磊正准备从两辆车中穿过,逆行跑到一个one way 路上,一辆警车突然横在面前,他刹不住脚,直接就拍到那车的前盖上,差点摔得蒙了过去。
Jean 把警笛关了,窜下车来,只见那个巡逻的警车里面慢慢悠悠的下来一个面包球一样的男警察,冲他得意地笑笑,把大磊一抹胳膊铐了起来。这时候 Jean 才注意到这个穿着靳锋夹克的男人不光比他 “应该” 的身材高,还瘦了不少。打个手势叫那个胖警官把他拎起来,胖子几乎是趴在大磊身上才够到他的肩膀,然后以一种半骑半蹲的姿势把大磊 “拎” 了起来。大磊站起来的时候他也快坐到地上了,弄得大磊差点摔到他身上。胖子拍拍手,虽然脸上因为过度用力一块儿红一块白的,他仍是得意地笑着,对自己的笨拙完全不以为然。拍拍大磊的肩膀,示意他转过去。Jean 这才真正确定是抓错人了。再不乐意,还是满脸堆笑的先出示自己的证件,然后边道歉边给大磊解手铐。胖子发现苗头不对,指了指手表,钻进车里就要走,Jean 正好拿他撒气,大吼一声 "Duncan!" Duncan 这时候已经从车里钻了出来,站在一边,闻言立马装模作样的立正喊道 "Yes sir!" Jean 恶狠狠的吩咐道 "Take down this clown's badge number, I'm gonna have a nice talk with the Chief." Duncan 高扬着下巴,再次磕脚敬礼,"Right away, sir!" 胖子的脸不红光白了。正要开口,Jean 侧过身来伸手用右掌从他脑门往下这么一抹,把他耸得咚的一声撞到车门上。完全不给他说话的机会。左手自然得那么一伸,指向那个黑 van,客气的请到 "Would you be able to help us complete a report of this incident over there by the van. I would be happy to answer any questions"。
大磊这才真的是一头雾水。木木呆呆的跟着 Jean 走到 van 的旁边,Jean 问他姓名、住址、工作、籍贯、甚至社会保险号他都愣愣的一一作答。直到 Jean 的圈子兜够了,问道他为什么要跑,他才反应过来,自己出门跑个步也要被警察抓是多么莫名其妙。牛脾气上来了,居然一口北京话就喷了过去。
Jean 瞪了要从副驾驶座探出脑袋的 Sam 一眼,吓得他赶紧缩了回去。强忍着一脸的吐沫解释道,"Sir, please calm down. We were on surveillance for a man in connection to the recent mass murder's case 'Johnny Kill'. We were under the impression that..."
大磊心里好奇,嘴上不饶人 "No, no no. I do not wanna to hear your strange stories. I have not interesting in your stories. I wanted to know why you throw me on the car and tied my hands back and don't apologies."
Jean 长期野外办案晒得焦黄的脸开始泛紫,似乎牙齿又开始咯吱咯吱的响。"Sir! I am getting to that! You have to let me finish!" 深吸了一口气,看了一眼还在折腾那个胖警察的 Duncan ,心情略微好了些许,续道 "As I was saying! We were under the impression that a man wearing similar jacket like yours lives in this neighbourhood. And we saw you running, so naturally we chased after you."
大磊刚回来,也不知道什么是 Johnny Kill,为什么他们看他穿这个夹克就要抓他,但是他脑子转得快,满口胡言乱语的诌道 "Ah, yes. That. This jacket is a very popular fashion item this autumn. Ah, summer. No, it's already autumn. And so much of the jacket on the street, that will make you chasing all day. Besides, I was just coming out for a jog, I was happy that you were able to be together with me, so I am not so lonely. But I'm finished, I am going home, thank you and have a good day." 说完转身像个没事儿人儿似的就要走。
Jean 双手前抓,又缩回来,这辈子估计也没有这么无奈过,正要发作,车窗户降了下来,Sam 细长条的脑袋往前探了探,轻声提醒道,"Ask him why did he start to run when he heard us talking in the van." Jean 那时候还在睡觉,根本不知道大磊是怎么出的门,怎么开始跑的,他只知道醒来看到 Sam 的瘦脸在他面前一寸的地方,就想给他一枪,然后就开始追大磊。经 Sam 这么一提醒,他也在脑子里把欠缺的镜头补充了个大概,非常随便的问道 "So, before you go, sir, would you just tell me why you only started to run after you heard us talking in the van?"
大磊都快走到车尾了,闻言只好停下来,支支吾吾的给自己找辙。 "Ah, 这个,ah, 我 live with a reporter"。转过身看着双眼紧盯着他的 Jean 双手胡乱比划。"And this reporter report bad news to people. About bad people." 大磊开始没那么足的底气了,生怕当时自己顾虑的事情成真,两眼目不转睛的观察着 Jean 的表情,只要他一露凶态,咱抬腿就走人。"And bad people have called me and him, and that other guy to kill him. Ah, no, the bad people called us to kill him. Ah, no, the bad people called to kill him, but I answered the phone. So I hear your van, I ran."
Jean 听了三遍才听懂他是要说被靳锋曝光过的人打电话恐吓他,只不过是被大磊接到的电话。同时他很敏锐的注意到 "me and him, and that other guy"。继续问道,"That other guy?" 说着上身前倾,双目紧锁着大磊的眼睛,双手交叉叠在胸前,"who is this other guy."
大磊不由自主地上身微望后仰,支吾道 "He's a rich kid from China. But, good student. Studies master degrees now. He is in Europe this summer."
Jean 一听,知道自己这是白激动半天。抓到这么一个连这个轰动全国,甚至有可能是全球的案子都没听说过的白痴,好不容易套出一个有可能的嫌疑,结果听着还不像。一阵沮丧,Jean 差点想捶车。
大磊看出点苗头,伸长了脖子试探着问道 "Do you think my roommate is this Johnny Kill you speak of?"
Jean 想也没想的随口说道 "No, he's not, but he did have a video tape of that possible Johnny on him."
大磊听了反而不以为然,心想他靳锋就是干这行的,抓起杀人犯消息比警察灵通那也是理所当然,录下了嫌犯的影相?没录到才不正常呢!想到这里他哦了一声。嘟囔了一句 "He's very good at his job",道了声再见,溜溜达达的走了。留下 Jean 一个人瞪着眼前的地面发呆。
Duncan 拿着一个写得密密麻麻的小本子傻笑着走过来。邀功似的挥了挥拿着笔的右手,"I have taken down all his information, the exact exchange of words and body language taken place between the officer and the suspect, and I have also here on record all the conversation between you two in case our good friend Sam here forgot to turn on the recorder." 这时候他才看到坐在车里的 Sam 枯瘦的左手上捧着一个小录音机,示威般的冲他呲着牙。"Sorry boss, I have done my job fully." Sam 略带印巴口音的英语挑衅的说着。
Jean 从深思中回转过来,瞟了 Duncan 一眼没好气地说了句 "Get your ass back to the post, Justin will be waiting". 转身双手抹了抹脸,低下头,翻着眼睛看着胖子,"Stephen my man, will you gimme a ride back to HQ?"
胖子浑身一激灵,媚笑的满口答应,还自顾自的说个不停 "Wow sir, I didn't think you'd remembered my name. I was working on the most entry level stuff last time we met. But man, I tell you I love being here on the streets, walking the beat so to speak, right here where the action is, you know..." 偷眼看了 Jean 一眼,发现他沉着脸不耐烦地拿手拍着扶手,知道又快把他惹毛了,勉强靠惯性说出下半一句 "anything beats the desk job"。
Jean 毫不给面子的回了一句,"And that's where we should have kept you! Now get me out of here!"
Stephen 手忙脚乱的发动了车,一脚油门踩到底,绝尘而去。