☆抹茶☆ 村民 注册 2002-12-01 消息 4,167 荣誉分数 8 声望点数 0 2003-01-22 #1 以前我作为留学生办的话我记得只要相关I.D.就可以, 可是我以前在书上看到过,新移民办得话好像要什么证明。我又不太确定, 所以请各位帮帮忙告知一下。 在此先谢过了~~~ :blink: :blink:
Jane CFC管理员 注册 2002-01-16 消息 1,882 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2003-01-22 #3 Landing paper is enough. You should provide address and telephone number.
☆抹茶☆ 村民 注册 2002-12-01 消息 4,167 荣誉分数 8 声望点数 0 2003-01-22 #4 最初由 Jane 发布 Landing paper is enough. You should provide address and telephone number. 点击展开... Thanks a lot~~~~~ i am not quite sure if i took an envelope there last time to prove my address. (something like that) about my parents, they just landed, if they gonna live with me, is is fine that i provide my add. and tel. as theirs?
最初由 Jane 发布 Landing paper is enough. You should provide address and telephone number. 点击展开... Thanks a lot~~~~~ i am not quite sure if i took an envelope there last time to prove my address. (something like that) about my parents, they just landed, if they gonna live with me, is is fine that i provide my add. and tel. as theirs?
M mrwrong 新手上路 注册 2002-07-22 消息 99 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-01-22 #6 landing paper is enough. 最初由 Melody 发布 你要是新移民,得用你的枫叶卡去办。 点击展开...
Melody 本站元老 VIP 注册 2002-02-24 消息 39,618 荣誉分数 8,401 声望点数 373 2003-01-22 #7 现在没有landing paper 了,新入境的移民是直接申请枫叶卡的。你不知道么????
☆抹茶☆ 村民 注册 2002-12-01 消息 4,167 荣誉分数 8 声望点数 0 2003-01-22 #8 最初由 Melody 发布 你要是新移民,得用你的枫叶卡去办。 点击展开... but if i have not received my maple card, the only document can be substituted is my landing paper.
最初由 Melody 发布 你要是新移民,得用你的枫叶卡去办。 点击展开... but if i have not received my maple card, the only document can be substituted is my landing paper.
Jane CFC管理员 注册 2002-01-16 消息 1,882 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2003-01-22 #9 我想是这样的,枫叶卡的替代paper是可以的,因为SIN是马上就要的,而PR Card还要等一个月才收到的。
Melody 本站元老 VIP 注册 2002-02-24 消息 39,618 荣誉分数 8,401 声望点数 373 2003-01-22 #10 document不行,碰过钉子,一定要真正的枫叶卡下来。 document上的号码和枫叶卡的不一样。除非你是第一次入境的新移民,可以用document来申请。