有一起去买08 或者09 款的SIENNA吗?


一起去买08 或者09 款的SIENNA.

准备这俩周去买CE Model, 现在加美两地差价不到了4千(考虑了汇差),加上0.9%Finance rate,所以打算在OTTAWA购车, 有想买的请QQH联系, 一起砍价!
你说的不对, 我上星期刚从美国买回来一辆, 今天早晨walkly上的牌照, 仔仔细细算了一下, 节省了9846.77加元, 相当于今年工资涨了20000加元, 值得折腾.

你说的不对, 我上星期刚从美国买回来一辆, 今天早晨walkly上的牌照, 仔仔细细算了一下, 节省了9846.77加元, 相当于今年工资涨了20000加元, 值得折腾.

I mean CE model only, I pretty sure the one you bought was not CE model.
Well, LE is better and it saves you more, why CE ?

If you really care about the money, go to US, even $4000 for CE is not a bad deal;

If you do not really care about the money, then why bother collecting people here to increase your bargin power ? The dealer has to make money, even if you can get 10 more people, I'll be really surprised if you can get $1000 off any 2009 model.
Besides, I got some discount from US dealer as well ...
Hi Coralla 99,
it's very useful information and huge savings for me
I tried to ask my friends to help me to look for any Toyota dealers who are willing to sell a new car to a Canadian. But it's negative from several friends in different stats.

Could you please share your shopping experience with me at newcomercfc20088@gmail?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Coralla 99,
It's exciting news for me
I tried to ask my friends in States to help me to look for any Toyota dealers who are willing to sell a new car to a Canadian. But it's negative from several friends in different stats.

Could you please share your shopping experience with me at newcomercfc20088@gmail or QQH?

Thanks in advance.

hi newottawacfc and everyone else,

Sadly I can tell you everything except the dealer name. They have an agreement with Toyota USA not selling new cars directly to Canadians for import purpose, and I have signed an agreement with the dealer as well, not disclosing their information for import purpose.

If you are a determined buyer, there are a few alternatives:

1. Try to call a US dealer in a very small town close to border, and try to convince them as hard as possible (basically let them believe you are a private buyer and you are not going to propagate the information in canada). That's what I have done.

2. go deeper in the USA, the dealers there are free to sell to canadians, and they can even handle all the paper works for you, very helpful. Here is one in NH: "http://www.toyotakeene.com/index.htm" . 6 - 7 hours driving from ottawa.
The only thing you should keep in mind is don't pay anything (well, may be a very little deposit, $200-$300) until you pick up the car.

3. Let your US friend buy a car, then sell to you immediately. It is actually not as difficult as you think. Lots of discussions on the web. Please note that "as a canadian, you have all the rights to import a car into Canada, all the border service staff are on your side actually, they will do everything to help you".

4. If you don't have to buy a Toyota, try Subaru, the import process is much much simpler: Welcome to VAN BORTEL SUBARU
I personally know 10+ friends in Ottawa buying cars from them, very pleasant experience.

5. Import Car To Canada!

6. Subaru of Keene - Import Specialists for Subarus into Canada

7. US Auto Import - Import a Car into Canada

All in all, it saves a lot if you buy in US, and it does take extra time, effort and determination.

good luck!
Hi corolla 99,

I understand what you said. Could you please answer me one question?
Did you successfully get your car through the first approach (a US dealer in a very small town close to border) or the second approach?

You can reply me by QQH. Thanks,
I did it through the first approach (after calling 5 different dealers in New York and Vermont).

The disadvantage is I have to handle all the US paper works by myself, and went to the border twice, the first time is to submit the forms, the second time picking up the car.

Some people buying slightly used cars, might be easier ...
Hi corolla 99,
I want to buy a Lexus/Audi, do you think it would be as easy as importing a Subaru from USA?
I did it through the first approach (after calling 5 different dealers in New York and Vermont).

The disadvantage is I have to handle all the US paper works by myself, and went to the border twice, the first time is to submit the forms, the second time picking up the car.

Some people buying slightly used cars, might be easier ...

I have called a few dealers in states, like you said, they can not sell CAR to Canadian. but they can buy the CAR and sell to you which means you have to pay states sale tax around 6-7%. That why I decide to buy CE model in here, becaues we can have 0.9% finance.Any one know if you buy a car from your friend in US, should we still need to pay GST in Canada?
Hi corolla 99,

Thanks for sharing your experience with us. Enjoy driving your new Van.

SAPGUY, If you want to buy a preowner car in US, it makes the case more complicated. you need to know how Canada Government calculate the value of car.
I was told that the value of car will be calculated based on current Canada used car value.