Could you pls tell me who is the "帮主"?楼主是想删掉贴子吗?帮主他会帮你。
I still speak Chinese everyday, but just I didn't write/type it for many years. And I am not good in "pingyin".
It seems you guys are all '自虐狂'. If there is a micro chip can put into people's brain to adjust human's emotion, behavior, memory, learning abilities, that will be wonderful.
Oh, you are so "仗义". Eventhough you provided the "自虐" method, it seems CCC has intergrated to a better solution.哈哈哈, ccc 同学代人受过了
门槛挤脑袋忘记母语 是俺先说的,不针对任何这儿的人! 类似的说法还有 让牛踢一下脑袋; 让驴亲一下。
要真是揪 '自虐狂' 的话,俺就主动站出来,与他人无关