Hello all,
Thanks a lot for the valuable feedback.
I just did more research on the topic, and actually there are only 2 schools in Ottawa provide the primary gifted program: Mutchmor and John Young (the one on the walkley is closed), none of them are close.
So I'll probably take lifelife's advice: stay put for one more year see what happens, then we will have more choices entering grade 5. Besides, the kid is very happy in the current class, have a bunch very good friends. Actually sometimes I am not so sure he is gifted, because the gifted kid supposed to be alone and cannot get along with other ordinary kids. One of my son's best friend is actually identified as having "learning disability" ( but a very gifted hocky player, as my son put it).
I have another question for you guys: I heard most (>60%) of the gifted kids are Chinese, that's way beyond the Chinese population ratio in Ottawa (only around 7%), is it really because we as Chinese are that much genuinely smarter than the rest of the population ? or because we are so obsessed of (or should I say "motivated") getting our kids into gifted programs, we actually cheated a little bit, like sending the kids into private schools in JK and SK, so that they can be better "prepared" to pass the test ? As far as I know, the IQ test results will be way off if the subjects are being "pre-pared" ... If that is the case, I don't want my son to be surrounded my these kind of kids. Yes, they (or their parents) are smart, but really not the way I want. I'd rather surrounded by a group of ordinary but honest kids.
No offense to anybody, just something puzzles me about this "gifted" thing.