gifted program 到底有多大的用 ?


最近孩子(grade 3)被学校定义为"gifted", 据说可以申请进入Lisga gifted program. 作为家长的我们当然高兴, 但是考虑到lisga在downtown, 8 岁的孩子每天坐车一个多小时, 太辛苦了. 而且孩子已经和社区的孩子建立了固定的connection, 一听说要转学, 眼泪就掉下来了.

以前总是听到华人朋友津津乐道的谈论天才班, 说什么上不了好的小学就进不了好的中学, 上不了好的中学就进不了好的大学... 我想在这里问一些"过来人": 有那么严重吗 ?

说句实在的, 天才不天才那是天生的, 不是培养出来的, 如果我们就在Barhaven上学, 会把孩子耽误了?
It depends on you and your child. Children's interesting is very important for his/her study in Canadian Culture.

My son was in the 'Gifted program' from his premier school (not in Lisga, just in a normal school with this program in Toronto and in Ottawa near our living that time), and Merivale high school. He was in full (all) courses of English, Mathematics, Physics, and so on of the 'Gifted program'. He thought if in general program he could not interest and studied so hard to get very good results and some rewards. He got all first offers (someone call earlier offer) from all he applied universities in Canada. Now he'll graduate as a good student from Toronto University soon.

We like Merivale high school 'Gifted program'. We think my son got a very good study there and we still want to say thanks to his teachers!

We live in Barrhaven too, my son had to catch school bus by 7am in the morning to go to Merivale high school. You may need think about it.

This is our experience for your reference.
Each family and child is different. For us, a happy and safe childhood is the first consideration. Others come at lower priority.

A major advantage of being in a gifted class is that your child would be more likely surrounded by higher quality kids and get positive influence from them.

Lisgar is a very good school in Ottawa. However, if it's too far from where you live, you may consider (gifted program in) other good schools (based on Fraser Instutute's Ontario school report/ranking) near your own community.
gifted vs genius

According to dictionary definition:
genius: somebody with outstanding talent;
gifted: exceptional

So gifted program is like "fast-track" class in China. The so-called "genius" program is used by HK immigrants. (what a Big mouth !)

Based on your situation, I see the decision is easy.
According to dictionary definition:
genius: somebody with outstanding talent;
gifted: exceptional

So gifted program is like "fast-track" class in China. The so-called "genius" program is used by HK immigrants. (what a Big mouth !)

Based on your situation, I see the decision is easy.

Actually, The "gifted program" is used for "genius" children in Canada and in other west countries. (“gifted” – TALENTED, esp. of a child: more INTELLIGENT than most – By LONGMAN DICTIONARY; -- 有天才的, By A Pocket English-Chinese Dictionary, and New English-Chinese Dictionary)

The child has to be passed a special test to tell his/her intelligent level before go to a "gifted Program". School board select a "gifted program" student is not related the child's study marks, no matter excellent or normal.

BUT, after inside the program, study is faster and more complex than the normal class (as a "fast" class).
By a way, based upon Canadian education system in Ontario, study is much easier before grade 11. In grade 11, it is suddenly changed into a more difficult level. To apply study into a university, study results (marks) in and after grade 11 are useful. BUT, only has a good marks is not only issue to be accepted by a good university. Social experience and wide knowledge are also very important.

Just for your reference, for my opinion, it is no worry and no need hurry to let a very young child into a gifted program. If go to the program later, is OK.
如果我们就在Barhaven上学, 会把孩子耽误了? Not at all

如果我们就在Barhaven上学, 会把孩子耽误了?[/quote]

Not at all!

Perhaps you could teach your kid yourself - even better. Trust me!

Hello all,

Thanks a lot for the valuable feedback.

I just did more research on the topic, and actually there are only 2 schools in Ottawa provide the primary gifted program: Mutchmor and John Young (the one on the walkley is closed), none of them are close.

So I'll probably take lifelife's advice: stay put for one more year see what happens, then we will have more choices entering grade 5. Besides, the kid is very happy in the current class, have a bunch very good friends. Actually sometimes I am not so sure he is gifted, because the gifted kid supposed to be alone and cannot get along with other ordinary kids. One of my son's best friend is actually identified as having "learning disability" ( but a very gifted hocky player, as my son put it).

I have another question for you guys: I heard most (>60%) of the gifted kids are Chinese, that's way beyond the Chinese population ratio in Ottawa (only around 7%), is it really because we as Chinese are that much genuinely smarter than the rest of the population ? or because we are so obsessed of (or should I say "motivated") getting our kids into gifted programs, we actually cheated a little bit, like sending the kids into private schools in JK and SK, so that they can be better "prepared" to pass the test ? As far as I know, the IQ test results will be way off if the subjects are being "pre-pared" ... If that is the case, I don't want my son to be surrounded my these kind of kids. Yes, they (or their parents) are smart, but really not the way I want. I'd rather surrounded by a group of ordinary but honest kids.

No offense to anybody, just something puzzles me about this "gifted" thing.
Another question for lifelife:

What's next for your son ? is he going to the graduate school or a medical school ?

Really interested to know. Thank you.
Thank you for interested my reference.

My son’s professors encouraged him start a further study, he may do so. (He is not study Medicine related so he'll not go to a medical school). He has a classmate at the same high school gifted program who already be accepted and started her Medical school study just after finished her 3rd year university study. It’s absolutely that only few top students can have this reward.

On the other side, --- “the gifted kid supposed to be alone and cannot get along with other ordinary kids” --- as far as I know, my son and other gifted students have many good and honest friends in the high school and university, not alone. Plus, they passed “IQ test” without prepare, general speaking, you cannot prepare the test – the test is just for the IQ and no former samples you can find. Also, no need to prepare the test – if pass you go into the program, that’s it.