gifted program 到底有多大的用 ?

One more I want to say is –
Many people don’t know that –

A few do but many universities don’t give gifted student priority offer to enter the university! Toronto University is one of the "say equal" universities. It is equal marks when they select a new student, no matter a student is from gifted or from other classes. Such as, a A mark or 90 marks that got by a student from gifted program is equal to the same marks from other classes when they apply to enter a university! Also, here is not in China -– no need to do a university enter examination. In this side, gifted students have to pay more hard works on their study to get same marks because their courses are more difficult and more complex! Over load is no good for a child. Parents also need to pay more works for a gifted student.

So, again, why to do a “smart” "pre-pared" for the IQ test? No need to do it! If pass the test, go into the program; if not, no loss, that’s it.
As I wrote before --- It depends on you and your child. Children's interesting is very important for his/her study in Canadian Culture.

Gifted program is a class to give gifted children who want or more interested in study more or faster than others, the higher grade the more different from others. Of course, learning method is important to reach the goal so teacher is very important too.
Gifted class is not "talented class" or "fast class"

It is a class with more interesting topics and the topics are usually discussed a little deeper since the kids in the class are in similar level.

Most students are just normal, but there are talented students in it. One of my son's former classmate in grade 3 is a good example of talented. He almost never played with other kids in recess for any sports or activity and my son told me he justed walked around by himself or stay around the sand area. I asked my son what he did then, you know what my son responded, "He must try to solve some math equations...". This lonely kid is ranked No.1 in his grade across CANADA for several consecutive years in kangaroo math contest. He is the only one I considered as talented within my son's gifted class.

My son was in normal class until grade 2 where he is really happy then he started gifted program from grade 3. I can see the big difference regarding learning and it took a little time to adapt. Anyways he is very happy. So I strongly suggest you have your kid go to the gifted class sooner rather than later as long as you think he should be able to fit in well with an environment without close friends.
My house is about 15 mins drive to school, but the school bus unfortunately will take more than an hour. I do not see an issue with my son staying on the bus that long. Your kid is old enough to be fine on relatively longer school bus ride.

BTW, there is no "gifted" hockey player, nothing comes easy, to be good on anything, hard work and dedication is the key, also a bit of lucky of not being badly injured when young (LOL). Look at the best players in hockey history, Gretzky, lemieux, steve yzerman, bobby orr, etc, their success all came from hard work when they were really young.