
If you don't need, why apply in the first place. If you applied it, then manage it well.

Are you telling me what to to or just making a general statement? :D

Me? I now have only a total of 3 credit cards, of which one is still not activated yet. :p

But, by the way, I did cancel one creadit card about 3 years ago, 'cause I had two of them from the same bank though I didn't apply for the second one, which was sent to me for no reason.
Contrary to some opinions here, canceling one's credit card has absolutely no bearing on one's credit rating. This is a neutral move.

There are many reasons why one would cancel their credit cards with valid reasons, one is that they receive bad service. How would canceling one's card under this circumstance hurt his/her credit rating?
cancelling your credit is not a good idea since it will lower your credit score.
The reason is you cannot manage your finance well. Since you must thought well before applying your credit card, its not like you apply and feel "too much" cards and cancel.

--- Yes, it is. I heard from Bank said so. You can check with your bank.

However, if you have numbers credit cards, you'll get less mortgage if you apply for.
However, if you have numbers credit cards, you'll get less mortgage if you apply for.