D DDAMM 新手上路 注册 2006-05-08 消息 81 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 18 2009-02-16 #1 车开在路上CHECK ENGINE的灯突然亮了,没有任何征兆. 亮了以后又开了100左右公里, 也没感觉车子哪里不妥. 刚刚启动汽车时候发现灯自己又灭了. 有经验的人能不能告诉一下这是什么原因引起的?需要去车行检查吗?
车开在路上CHECK ENGINE的灯突然亮了,没有任何征兆. 亮了以后又开了100左右公里, 也没感觉车子哪里不妥. 刚刚启动汽车时候发现灯自己又灭了. 有经验的人能不能告诉一下这是什么原因引起的?需要去车行检查吗?
S seng 知名会员 注册 2004-08-21 消息 285 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 178 2009-02-16 #4 不用管它。但再次出现最好还是读一下CODE,好让自己放心。下次换油的时候到一抹黑那里,让他(免费)读一下。这很有可能是传感器的连接有问题或者是传感器本身开始老化。
T toisanlao 知名会员 注册 2002-05-21 消息 536 荣誉分数 105 声望点数 153 2009-02-17 #5 As long as it's not flashing, you are ok for now. Check if your gas tank cap is too tight. This would trigger the ENGINE LIGHT signal in some models.
As long as it's not flashing, you are ok for now. Check if your gas tank cap is too tight. This would trigger the ENGINE LIGHT signal in some models.
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,895 荣誉分数 37,629 声望点数 1,393 2009-02-17 #6 toisanlao 说: ... Check if your gas tank cap is too tight. ... 点击展开... Too tight or loose? It might be a missfire.
toisanlao 说: ... Check if your gas tank cap is too tight. ... 点击展开... Too tight or loose? It might be a missfire.
T toisanlao 知名会员 注册 2002-05-21 消息 536 荣誉分数 105 声望点数 153 2009-02-18 #7 ccc 说: Too tight or loose? It might be a missfire. 点击展开... I have one instance and heard several others that the ENGINE SERVICE LIGHT came on because the cap was too tight. Not sure about being too loose.
ccc 说: Too tight or loose? It might be a missfire. 点击展开... I have one instance and heard several others that the ENGINE SERVICE LIGHT came on because the cap was too tight. Not sure about being too loose.
R rjyan 知名会员 注册 2003-03-09 消息 17 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 111 2009-02-21 #9 Great tool to fix your check engine light Check Engine Light: CAN OBD-II OBD2 Code Tool - New - Toronto Tools & Hardware For Sale - Kijiji Toronto tianf 说: 等再亮的时候读读CODE就知道了,不亮就算了。 我的车去年时亮时不亮,今年长亮不灭了。唉... 点击展开...
Great tool to fix your check engine light Check Engine Light: CAN OBD-II OBD2 Code Tool - New - Toronto Tools & Hardware For Sale - Kijiji Toronto tianf 说: 等再亮的时候读读CODE就知道了,不亮就算了。 我的车去年时亮时不亮,今年长亮不灭了。唉... 点击展开...
L laojianke 知名会员 注册 2005-12-16 消息 322 荣誉分数 8 声望点数 178 2009-03-14 #10 Don't guess it. My car had the same problem and the reason is the Gas tank cap is too old. I spent $15 get a new cap from Canadian Tire and it never on again. But each car is different, I you want I can help you to read the code.
Don't guess it. My car had the same problem and the reason is the Gas tank cap is too old. I spent $15 get a new cap from Canadian Tire and it never on again. But each car is different, I you want I can help you to read the code.
C cable4sale 知名会员 注册 2004-09-11 消息 2,860 荣誉分数 336 声望点数 193 2009-03-15 #11 i went to CT and dealers for nothing,each car is different,it took me a few years to found out the problem.i fixed myself.
i went to CT and dealers for nothing,each car is different,it took me a few years to found out the problem.i fixed myself.