What are you talking about? You want some serious discussion? You should first forget Warren Buffett (he is the past). If you have a stomach to lose and win big, then we talk about US-listed Chinese stock or development stage biotech stocks (you have learnt something from other thread from Fujian Lin, haven't you).
Have you ever put a practical dime in that (what you have learnt from Fujian Lin) except your endless buzzing in that thread?
Money is always serious issue, either making it or lose it!
If you have some good ideas, it would be definitely interesting to discuss if you care to share.
Currently, I think US market probably provides the best chances. For Chinese companies, at least there should be financial reporting like SPU etc.
Betting on bio stocks is also interesting but there are probably not many opportunities in 2012. The ones I am following are dndn and itmn.
One interesting point on dndn is its convertibles that actually don't represent burdens to the company.
As to good opportunities, let me use preferred shares of CND banks as examples.
About 2 years ago, all preferred shares of CND banks were selling at around $16 to $17 for face values of $25. The contacted (non-accumulative) yield was at close to 7% at that price. The preferred are all perpectual and thus do have interest rate risks.
However, unless one believes in hyper inflation or nationalization of all 5 CND banks, these preferreds represent very good opportunities where return is decent and relatively large capital can be committed with high safety. Current price of these securities shows they are actually good opportunities.
So, these are serious opportunities worth serious commitment....
Buffett's ideas are not past. They are permanent but require a lot learning to actually learn. The preferred mentioned above is actually a Buffett like opportunity...