

美女与野兽―*百合 *
安省 DEADLINE:march 1
(1)Queen's (TOEFL)
Paper Based Test:
A minimum score of 580 and a Test of Written English (TWE) with a minimum score of 5.0
Computer Based Test:
A minimum score of 237 and a minimum Essay Rating score of 5.0.
注意:(To be certain of consideration for admission in September 2003, candidates must write TOEFL no later than mid-March 2003. )
website: http://www.queensu.ca/
phone #613) 533 2218 for admission office

(2)U of Guelph
(TOEFL) with a score of 600 (paper-based) or 250 (computer-based), and Test of Written English (TWE) with a score of 5 (discretionary range of 4.5), and Test of Spoken English (TSE) with a score of 50.

注意:(This TOEFL standard is currently under review at the University of Guelph. We may consider your application if you have achieved a score of 573 or higher (paper-based) or 230 or higher (computer-based) and a TWE of 4.5.)

website: http://www.uoguelph.ca
phone number: (519) 824-4120这是总机电话,可以打过去再让他们转去Admission office
email: info@registrar.uoguelph.ca

(3)McMaster U
1。achieved a score of at least 220 on the computerized test (or 560) on TOEFL,
2。achieved a score between 197 and 219 (530-559) on TOEFL,
and EITHER a score of at least 4.0 on the TWE (Test of Written English) OR present other evidence of English language proficiency such as English courses, ESL programmes, letters of support from guidance counsellors, etc.,

website: http://www.mcmaster.ca/
email: macadmit@mcmaster.ca
phone: (905) 525-9140

(4)U of Ottawa
1.Engineering and Science Paper-based: 550
Computer: 213 with essay 4.5
2.All other faculties Paper-based: 580
Computer: 237 with essay 4.5
phone: (613) 562 5700 or 1 877 UOTTAWA (1 877 868 8292)
Fax: (613) 562-5323

(5)Western Ontario
website: http://www.uwo.ca/, 可以上网写contact form给他们

1. Arts, Environmental Studies, Engineering, Independent Studies, and Software Engineering: paperbase:600; essay, 5.0 TSE: 50
computer base:250; TSE: 50
Applied Health Sciences, Mathematics, and Science: Paperbase 580 must take TSE
computerbase:237; TSE must be taken

web:http://www.uwaterloo.ca/ 据说这个网站较有用www.askthewarrior.ca
phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 3614(这是我到的电话,可能不是Admission office的但可以打去问他们其他电话

注意: 从中国来的学生的min. requirnment is Successful completion of first year at a recognized university (我的理解是从中国来且没在加拿大读过任何可以传学分的college,不算ESL的学生,必须在国内读过一年大学)
1.Minimum Score:
Arts, Atkinson, Environmental Studies, Glendon, Fine Arts, Pure & Applied Science (except Engineering): Computer: 220 Paper: 560

2.Minimum Score:
Engineering, Schulich School of Business: Computer: 250 Paper: 600
web: http://www.yorku.ca/
Tel: 416-736-5825(international admission office)
Tel: 416-736-5000 (admission office)

(8)U of T
1. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Computer-based Test:
Minimum Requirement: total score of 250+5.0 on Essay
Discretionary Range: total score 230-247+4.5 on Essay

Paper-based Test:
Minimum Requirement :total score of 600+5.0 on TWE;
Discretionary Range:total score 573-597+4.5 on TWE

注意:If an applicant scores in the discretionary range indicated above, and is otherwise well qualified for admission, we will automatically consider other academic evidence of English proficiency (for example, results in English courses) and we will advise the applicant whether or not our English facility requirements have been satisfied. It is not necessary to request this special consideration. Letters of reference will NOT be used for this purpose.

email: ask@utorto.ca(这个email是自动回复,回复是让你去看网站,所以写了等于白写)
phone: 416-978 2190(admission and awards)

(1)U of A
A score of at least 580 (or 237 if computer-based score) on the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), with a score of at least 50 on each of the three components.
A score of at least 50 on the TSE (Test of Spoken English).
web: http://www.ualberta.ca/(可以在网上填CONTACT form)
报名截止日期:for may to aug:march 1

注意;Please note that the Test of Spoken English (TSE) requirement for students is currently under review for 2005.
1。paper-based test 55 (on each component)
with the TWE (Test of Written English) 4.0
and the TSE (Test of Spoken English)* 50
2。computer-based test 22 (on each component)
with the essay 4.0
and the TSE (Test of Spoken English)* 50
3。must have obtained a score of level 5 on the LPI.
web: http://www.ubc.ca
604.822.2211 (总机号码)

1.TOEFL CBT (computer based test) with a minimum of 230 including a minimum essay score of 4.5, or
2.TOEFL CBT with a minimum score of 250,
DEADLINE: April 30 for entrance to a Fall semester
September 30 for entrance to a Spring semester
phone:604-291-3224 or
fax: 604-291-4969

不好意思多嘴了,如果大家去网站查关于报名INFO的时候,每家大学都一样,要去prospective student, 不要去student service.
第六条的Western Ontario 托福要求是580,实际上要超过600。Western Ontario有自己的英语考试。
