精华 苦辣酸甜难书尽,成败得失笑谈中

How to distinguish between a bear raid and a selloff? Due diligence!

If a sudden and dramatic price drop is not followed by a speedy recovery, then it is a selloff (falling knife), not a bear raid, upon bad news. This happens a lot too in biotech upon a trial failure, an FDA rejection, and so on. It happens elsewhere too, e.g., GMCR nosedived upon a bad quarterly earnings report earlier. That was not a bear raid but a selloff which continues to this day. Any attempt to bottom fish may end up with a falling knife.

I have lived through quite a few breathtaking bear raids now. I am determined to catch one if it happens to my stocks again. It happens at lighting speed and it is simply impossible to catch it with live orders. It may or may not materialize so the key is anticipation. That is, to guesstimate the extent of the price drop and enter a GTC buy order accordingly. Even with a GTC buy order, one may not catch it if the set price is lower than the bottom price. Some of my Yahoo group members caught ARNA with buy orders higher than 7.8 last Friday but others with buy order at 7.8 or lower did not get filled.
ARNA: a maximum of a couple of trading days remains prior to the PDUFA ruling ...

And there is simply a warfare out there both in the market and through the media.

ARNA is front and centre: the stage is set, microphones connected, and chairs arranged. Let's listen to the fat lady sing!

My best wishes to you if you have a seat among the longs! As for myself, I want bear feet for dinner either tomorrow or Wednesday.
Moment of judgement: my post to my yahoo group

This is it, folks!

Stage is set, microphones connected, and chairs arranged. Everyone please remain seated and wait for the fat lady to appear!

Sometime tomorrow, the formidable beast everyone loves to hate will deliver the long overdue approval letter to Arena Pharmaceuticals, proving all naysayers to be wrong, dead wrong!

My journey with ARNA began in 2009 with the Blossom data release, with intermittent ins and outs. Destination: a ticket to Bob's Fun Club by end of 2013!

I am sure a good percentage of us went travelling with DNDN and still mention DNDN as a reference to ARNA. All is understandable. But please allow me to say this to you: Jack Lief is no Mitch Gold and Lorcaserin is no Provenge!

I am very proud to be your captain in this forum, serving you in every humanly possible way. This is your group. It is my sincere hope that in addition to be served, each and everyone of you will selflessly contribute and serve! ARNA is one stock that brings us all together. As the limelight dimes, other stocks will surely become the subjects of our discussions. Rightly deserving, ARNA is front and centre. For tonight and tomorrow, everyone please feel free to post whatever you like, except: 1) inciting group move/think; and 2) bashing ARNA baselessly.

In heated moments like this, I am taking a walk in the nice and quiet park. I have done all I can possibly do!

Don't forget the less fortunate. We have money to play the ARNA game and stand to make a lot. They struggle to get hold of sufficient food, shelter, and clothing for survival. Please help them in whatever way you can!

Yours humbly


谢谢拜读!希望你们看了我的帖子,得到启发,赚了钱 --- 建此楼的本意!