我当时是找得北京的四达,是唯一一家国家认可的,所以,一切手续他都管了,什么都不用操心,需要去体检or take pic他们也会通知你,你要是在国内需要电话的话我可以帮你查一下在告诉你。
如果你想自己办的话,首先要有一个不错的toefl score,至少要在580以上才能从国内出来直接念大学。我听说是你要是看好了哪个大学,可以从网上把表格down下来填好了寄过来,or you can e-mail to the University that you chosen and ask them to send the application form to you.
Good Luck
Sorry to write to you so late.
Here is the number for the 4 Star(四达):It divided into 2 sections
One is (010)-85271867 or 85271869
The other one is (010)85271841 or 1129
My parents told me that now there are two more agencies sound famous
one is 金吉列:(010)65685656
one is 中国教育部服务中心:(010)65253355