Right. It reminds me of a story happened recently说得有理。毕竟那些土生土长的各色信徒们知道得内情多了,尤其是那些曾经的美女俊男们,他们小的时候更是没有少得到教会慈祥大手的抚摸和疼爱,教会里到底是怎么回事,他们都心知肚明了的,所以他们要理智平静得多,脑子出了毛病的、整天一个劲儿地见人就想嚷嚷“神”经、否则过不下去的属于及其少数。但也不是没有,那些骑着自行车、成双成对大街上溜达、见人就想嚷嚷他们最新的独一无二的“神”经的是叫什么来着?唯有这些才能和现在某些华人教会整日嚷嚷“神”经的热情一比高下“神”的信徒属于什么来着?凡事不信他们的都得下地狱,而且根据他们的耶和华的教义,那些热情极高的华人教会信徒们也无一不例外地得下十八般地狱呀:flaming:。嗯,对了,他们叫“魔门”教,在其他流派的教会都人数萎缩的时候,他们现在世界上唯一迅速发展壮大的信奉耶和华的教派。呵呵。
A seven-year-old child in Utah really did not want to go to church. So instead he took his parent's car for a spin, weaving in and out of lanes and running stop signs.
While most children fake a sore throat or stomach ache to get out of going to church, Preston Scarbrough went to greater lengths. He got behind the wheel of his parents' car. The joy ride ended back at home after a police chase
ksl.com - 7-year-old Utah driver tells 'Today' show his story