
  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 Yefu
  • 开始时间 开始时间
中国邀请他了吗?他不去,then what? who cares?

yes, you don't need to care about anybody, but yourself.

这说明两国政府其实不友好。you understand?


yes, you don't need to care about anybody, but yourself.

这说明两国政府其实不友好。you understand?







of course, i am serious.

Then you are wrong.

When companies laying off people, it was the minority in the list first. A friend of mine got laid off early this year with 4 other engineers/developers. That company has 12 engineers and software developers. Within the 5, 3 are Chinese, 1 Vietnamese and 1 Indian. The remaining white are mostly safe.

So if you implied that the white are angry because of the Chinese so let not annoy them anymore, then I feel sad for you.
挥舞红旗就挺直腰杆子了? 人要别人RESPECT首先要有能人别人REPECT的地方,恐怖分子人肉炸弹更猛,正常人会尊敬它们?
Then you are wrong.

When companies laying off people, it was the minority in the list first. A friend of mine got laid off early this year with 4 other engineers/developers. That company has 12 engineers and software developers. Within the 5, 3 are Chinese, 1 Vietnamese and 1 Indian. The remaining white are mostly safe.

So if you implied that the white are angry because of the Chinese so let not annoy them anymore, then I feel sad for you.

有时候被裁掉是不公平,但很多时候同一个TEAM被裁的人就是WEAKEST LINK,很多头嘴里不讲,心里明白,谁能干活谁不能.当然当事人如果真的因为人种受歧视派裁,就应该去告,否则真是弯腰做人,将来还让别人欺负
Then you are wrong.

When companies laying off people, it was the minority in the list first. A friend of mine got laid off early this year with 4 other engineers/developers. That company has 12 engineers and software developers. Within the 5, 3 are Chinese, 1 Vietnamese and 1 Indian. The remaining white are mostly safe.

So if you implied that the white are angry because of the Chinese so let not annoy them anymore, then I feel sad for you.

I feel so sorry for those engineers who got laid off. Among my friends, no one got laid off recently. So, I may have biased.

I just wonder who are the remaining 7 engineers in your friend's company who did not get laid off? Are they all white? Is there anyone who joined the company later than those who got laid off? If so, those who got laid off may sue the company.
When companies laying off people, it was the minority in the list first. A friend of mine got laid off early this year with 4 other engineers/developers. That company has 12 engineers and software developers. Within the 5, 3 are Chinese, 1 Vietnamese and 1 Indian. The remaining white are mostly safe.

哈,主人! 一个民族掌握了一个国家的经济或政治才是实际的主人,否则是口头上的。

前怕狼,后怕虎,爱“替他人着想”,总想“以德服人” 才是华人被轻视,被排挤的根本原因。


入籍宣誓效忠加拿大,也没说不准爱祖国啊, 加拿大还允许多重国籍,当然允许公民效忠另外的国籍。