Phoenix Heritage Hills 的新房可以买吗?

价钱是低一点, 但是他的basic也很低, 看看他们上下开的窗户style 就知道了. 他们的名声也不太好, 冬天车库里会有很多冰柱. 说明漏暖气. 如果你只在乎房子的大, 地大, 不在乎内部的软装饰和房子的热量消耗等等因素的话, phoenix是个选择, 至少他给你Granite的CountTop, 不过Granite的台面需要很多维护, 而且等级低的容易留水印和积细菌. 我想phoenix也不会给很好的Granite做为basic的台面. 还有如果要升级的话, 价钱好象也不便宜.
谢谢maple. 看来不能买他们的房.

对这个SITE有点兴趣. 按理说这个SITE的房子盖在半山腰上, 应该VIEW很不错啊. 可是他们开盘快两个月了, 似乎卖得很一般.

be careful about walkout basement

My old house is walkout basement style. Normally the walkout basement is built because of sloppy backyard and you are paying premium for walkout. Roughly 20k to 30k

The problem is that sloppy backyard needs extra maintenance. Your lawn is not easily hold water and can be dead more easily in dry season. If you want build shield, you need to make sure the foundation should be levelled. Extra stones need to added. If you want to plant veggies, more soil needed every year, etc. Rains always push more soils from high end to low end. Nature settlement is also a factor. The only benefit is you save money for deck which is roughly 4K CAD for comfortable size.

After seven year living in my old house, I suggest people are looking for high ranch style instead of walkout basement style. The demand is relatively high for high ranch and you don't have to pay lot preiumn.

一直觉得WALKOUT BASEMENT是个好东西, 没想到还有这么多讲究. 我觉得WALKOUT BASEMENT还有一个问题, 我一住WO的朋友告诉我的. BACKYARD一般都有SLOPE. 割起草来特费力, 而且很难SETUP诸如PLAYGROUND, SHRED之类的东西. 不过WO的好处也是显而易见的, BASEMENT可以当REGULAR ROOM用啊.
俺住的就是walkout basement。优点是,光线好,比黑不溜秋的纯basement强,弄成个family room很爽。缺点是,草坪花园不好整,还有想自己装个fence也很麻烦,因为前后高度不同。
When I was buying WO, I was having the same idea. but

一直觉得WALKOUT BASEMENT是个好东西, 没想到还有这么多讲究. 我觉得WALKOUT BASEMENT还有一个问题, 我一住WO的朋友告诉我的. BACKYARD一般都有SLOPE. 割起草来特费力, 而且很难SETUP诸如PLAYGROUND, SHRED之类的东西. 不过WO的好处也是显而易见的, BASEMENT可以当REGULAR ROOM用啊.

When it comes to sell, agents and buyers still think it is finished basement. It is challenging to persuade those persons to pay it as regular room because for single house, different functioned rooms already designed in main levels.

If you are looking for renting part of house, WO is a bonus. Also WO is unlikely to have flooding basement issue.
非常感谢各位提供关于WO BASEMENT的意见

不过咱们好像有点跑题了, 呵呵. 楼主(当然还有我)更关心这个SITE(HERITAGE HILL)和BUILDER. 难道这里没有人对这个SITE感兴趣吗? 我觉得这个SITE从位置上说比MINTO将要RELEASE的ACADIA好多了吧?
After seven year living in my old house, I suggest people are looking for high ranch style instead of walkout basement style. The demand is relatively high for high ranch and you don't have to pay lot preiumn.

请教一下, 什么是high ranch style? 谢谢.
I have seen another two issues:

(1) It is between 2 major roads: Kanata Avenue and Terry Fox North. The latter one will be built when it connects to the Morgan's grant. So it won't be quiet.
(2) The first house will be ready to move in at least October 2010, and you gonna pay the HST.
(2) The first house will be done at least October 2010, and you gonna pay the HST.

这取决于房价是否高于40万。还有一种可能: 房价已包括HST.
这取决于房价是否高于40万。还有一种可能: 房价已包括HST.

You are right.
Most of them are over 400K. The house price does not include the HST, which I got from the sale lady. I wish I were wrong.