渥太華國語聯合佈道會: 家 -- 愛之窩





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渥太華國語聯合佈道會: -- 愛之窩

渥太華國語福音事工聯合會將於9 18~20 (周五~周日) 晚上 7:30~9:30 在渥太華華人宣道會 (22 Eccles Street, 在唐人街) 舉辦 -- 愛之窩國語佈道會, 講員為何仲柯醫師及蘇緋雲博士夫婦分題為: (1) 周五晚: 為父之心 ; (2) 周六晚: 愛的溝通; (3) 周日晚: 歡樂家庭。另周六下午4:00~6:00並有二個專題講座: (1) 理想的家庭; (2) 育兒秘笈聚會免費入場, 備有兒童看顧, 會後並有茶點招待 (周六下午講座沒有兒童看顧及茶點招待), 歡迎參加查詢:613-236-7656; <omac@rogers.com>


蘇緋雲博士生於福建省廈門鼓浪嶼。父母,祖父母皆醫學界人士。小學及中學時期長於香港,後赴美留學,獲得美國希望大學化學理學士及密西根大學生物化學碩士及博士學位。曾任華盛頓大學化學系及生化系研究員,其主任之一為 1992年諾貝爾獎金(醫學)得獎人 Krebs 教授。近年來應邀赴世界各地巡迴演講有關科學與聖經,創造或進化,教養兒女,家庭溝通等專題。與夫婿何仲柯醫師育有四位兒女, 皆於 9 12 歲稚齡,考進華盛頓大學。

State by State Data on Religious Importance : Dispatches from the Culture Wars
大致上, 宗教化程度越高的州, 離婚率越高, 未婚生育越多, 青少女懷孕越多。

State by State Data on Religious Importance

Posted on: February 3, 2009 9:02 AM, by Ed Brayton

A new Gallup poll of 350,000 Americans breaks down the importance of religion on a state by state basis. The question asked was whether religion was an important part of their daily lives. Here are the results:

Top 4 most religious states: Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina and Tennessee. 4 least religious states: Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts. In fact, those were the only four that were below 50% in saying that religion was important in their daily lives.

I thought it would be interesting to compare those lists to various rates of things that the religious right tends to consider moral evils, like divorce and teen pregnancy. Let's start with divorce rates, which can be seen here.

Massachusetts has the lowest divorce rate in the nation, while the other three least religious states all rank in the top half of the states for lowest divorce rates, all below 4.4 per 1000. Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee all rank among the 11 highest states for rates of divorce with rates above 5.7 per 1000; South Carolina is 19th with a rate of 4.2.

How about out of wedlock births? The most recent data I could find easily is here. And it shows for the most religious states:

Mississippi: 45.5%
South Carolina: 38.7%
Tennessee: 34.9%
Alabama: 34.1%

And the least religious states:

New Hampshire: 24.1%
Massachusetts: 26.1%
Vermont: 28%
Maine: 30.6%

And finally, teen pregnancy, where all of the most religious states are in the top 10:

Mississippi: 20.9%
Alabama: 17.1%
South Carolina: 16.0%
Tennessee: 15.9%

And all of the least religious states are in the bottom 10:

Massachusetts 7.2%
New Hampshire 7.7%
Vermont 7.9%
Maine 9.8%

Does this prove that religion causes those bad things? Of course not. But it does make a pretty strong case against the constant claims of the religious right that religion is the answer to these problems.

State by State Data on Religious Importance : Dispatches from the Culture Wars
大致上, 宗教化程度越高的州, 離婚率越高, 未婚生育越多, 青少女懷孕越多。

State by State Data on Religious Importance

Posted on: February 3, 2009 9:02 AM, by Ed Brayton

A new Gallup poll of 350,000 Americans breaks down the importance of religion on a state by state basis. The question asked was whether religion was an important part of their daily lives. Here are the results:

Top 4 most religious states: Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina and Tennessee. 4 least religious states: Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts. In fact, those were the only four that were below 50% in saying that religion was important in their daily lives.

I thought it would be interesting to compare those lists to various rates of things that the religious right tends to consider moral evils, like divorce and teen pregnancy. Let's start with divorce rates, which can be seen here.

Massachusetts has the lowest divorce rate in the nation, while the other three least religious states all rank in the top half of the states for lowest divorce rates, all below 4.4 per 1000. Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee all rank among the 11 highest states for rates of divorce with rates above 5.7 per 1000; South Carolina is 19th with a rate of 4.2.

How about out of wedlock births? The most recent data I could find easily is here. And it shows for the most religious states:

Mississippi: 45.5%
South Carolina: 38.7%
Tennessee: 34.9%
Alabama: 34.1%

And the least religious states:

New Hampshire: 24.1%
Massachusetts: 26.1%
Vermont: 28%
Maine: 30.6%

And finally, teen pregnancy, where all of the most religious states are in the top 10:

Mississippi: 20.9%
Alabama: 17.1%
South Carolina: 16.0%
Tennessee: 15.9%

And all of the least religious states are in the bottom 10:

Massachusetts 7.2%
New Hampshire 7.7%
Vermont 7.9%
Maine 9.8%

Does this prove that religion causes those bad things? Of course not. But it does make a pretty strong case against the constant claims of the religious right that religion is the answer to these problems.



2)基督教国家对自由的崇尚 - 基督徒认为犯罪是难免的,而认罪悔改是发自内心的才有意义,并且罪人不能审判罪人(不要判断别人)。因此虽然认为离婚是罪,却也不会反对阻止别人离婚。不像比较缺少自由人权意识的社会会有较多的外部的干预压力,人为地降低离婚率。

昨晚“为父之道”不错。 讲到发现孩子的天赋所在、正视孩子的天赋、充满信心地发掘孩子的天赋等等.......贴近生活,有理有据。


我个人感觉这是个难得的机会,见识一下别人的教育经验,合理地配合自己孩子的状况用在自己教育子女的过程中,是难得的白来的福分,可以开阔思维,避免自己一叶障目。 三人行,必有我师,不变真理。

没有去过教会的人也是欢迎的,小孩有人看顾,大人可专心听讲。请参照楼主前面首贴的具体信息。 大家enjoy.:)
。。『其主任之一為 1992年諾貝爾獎金(醫學)得獎人 Krebs 教授。』:blowzy::blowzy::blowzy:


"我们是基督徒,但我们是在中文教会离婚的,我相信上帝是公平的。如果你信他们教会那些人还好,如果你说出对他们不利的话,教会哪些人会在你们两个人之间制 造矛盾。我就是一个最好的例子。首先我们来渥太华正是经济不好的时候,华人很多都是一个人先找到工作,另一个人打工支撑这个家,家庭经济状况得到改善。我 供着我前妻在卡尔顿读完硕士,我们有三个孩子,让她妈来看孩子,她妈对我总是看不上眼,再加教会那些人添油加醋。我们俩吵得越来越厉害,最后她打了两次 911。听说后来她去了西边一家中文教会,总之一句话,一言难尽。我孩子告诉我她现在有了男朋友,是加拿大人,也带两个孩子。刚离婚时,我曾经劝她孩子还 小,经历多放在孩子身上。每周见孩子,她都抱怨时间要顺着她,她说汽油钱贵,直到孩子告诉我每周她都带着他们三个孩子跑到洋人家,她再也不抱怨汽油钱贵 了。"

謝謝你的回復。你既然已是主内一員,我們不妨邀請主内弟兄姊妹 為當事人燾告:你和你的前妻,還有孩子,前妻的媽媽,以及每個人今後的生活和發展。
蘇緋雲博士 ...... 與夫婿何仲柯醫師育有四位兒女, 皆於 9 12 歲稚齡,考進華盛頓大學。

