精华 [请投神圣的一票] -----渥太华最适合居住的小区-----

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  • K, 扁他萨达姆! :flaming:

    选票: 0 0.0%
  • 小布屎欺负小孩! :crying:

    选票: 0 0.0%
  • 关我屁事?着灌不误! :cool:

    选票: 0 0.0%
  • 谁打谁了? :eek:

    选票: 2 100.0%

  • 全部投票
应丫丫要求, 找到这个帖子:)
这基本都是住哪投哪的票, 没什么意义, 无法用实际数据来比较, 投Kanata lake 人最多, 但整个kanata radiation 是ottawa 最高的, 交通也很拥挤。。医院护理不便等等。。很多学校是新的, 新的学校就无法评顾好坏。。特别是师资力量。。所以这点上渐渐说的对, 这投票无任何意义

The reasons I thought this poll is useless are as follows:
1. Sample size is too small, therefore results could be very skewed.
2. Choices are not well thoght through, e.g. Kanata alone has many neighborhoods: Bridlewood, Beaverbrook, Heritage Hill/Kanata Lakes, Morgan's Grant/South March, Glen Cairn/Hazeldean, Katimavik, Emerald Meadows, etc.
3. Personal preference dictates the choice. For example, a couple without children may not even care about schools, but rather have a quiet, adult neighborhood.
Re: 那地儿倒是不错,不过看了这个恐怕吓着您

I know the traffic is bad, but I think the city is going to improve it soon since so many complains, right? I can't wait to buy a house after they fix the problem; otherwise, the house price will be much much higher...

最初由 渥南庄农人 发布
http://www.worstroads.ca/rankings.asp?track=mun&municipality=City of Ottawa
看看有多少complain Limebank的,不过估计那些投票的都是住那里的。
虽说如此, 我也挺喜欢那里的。
楼主怎么忘了centerpoint了呢? 那个小区很好阿,还有一般象在hi-tech公司工作的中国人都会在kanata居住,所以偶觉得应该中国人在那儿比较多吧。就算有的人喜欢kanata lake 的房子但由於种种原因没住成,他们可能就投了自己现在的小区,所以这个投票不太准吧~~
Continue please. Your argument is quite educational.
Please delete all these arguments, all of them. Let's be peaceful, like we used to be.
最初由 wenda 发布
Please delete all these arguments, all of them. Let's be peaceful, like we used to be.

Good arguments are quite educational, delete is not good suggestion!
咱要的是清静,“Let's be peaceful, like we used to be. ”

The quite educational Good arguments 至少不适合这个主题,实在有兴趣可以另开帖单练。
最初由 kool 发布
这基本都是住哪投哪的票, 没什么意义, 无法用实际数据来比较, 投Kanata lake 人最多, 但整个kanata radiation 是ottawa 最高的, 交通也很拥挤。。医院护理不便等等。。很多学校是新的, 新的学校就无法评顾好坏。。特别是师资力量。。所以这点上渐渐说的对, 这投票无任何意义

The poll result is useless with respect to its original objective. However its by-product appears to reveal a statistical distribution of peoples of Chinese ethinic living in the above districts.