
最初由 hxp417 发布
年龄 is not a problem, but 车牌G2 -- I bet you will not be able to rent a car out from 80--90% of the rental companies

你大概是指"Moving Truck"吧,也许;但对其它小轿车和MiniVan,我相信100%可租到。
最初由 hxp417 发布
年龄 is not a problem, but 车牌G2 -- I bet you will not be able to rent a car out from 80--90% of the rental companies... There is no absolute law saying G2 can't rent a car, it's up to the rental company, but according to my experiences, most (80--90%) rental companies will look at whether your license is G or G2, and they won't accept G2.

Certainly you can try to negotiate with them or pay more... good luck!

that's not the truth!:D :D :D