
没有资格说巧啦。就是完全按漆上说明,先用小板试一下,喷时离开25cm 或以上就行了:p
离开25cm 或以上? 你是说 25 M, 或 25 KM?:D

Provincial Pièces D'Autos

1294 boulevard Saint-René Est, Gatineau, QC J8R 1M9
(819) 663-3388‎
Exactly. Many times, you need to remove lots of parts to create space just to get to the problem part... knowing where the problem is does not mean one is able to fix the problem without right tools and at the right place.
... and at the right time. :p
Good to keep it. Thanks.

Provincial Pièces D'Autos

1294 boulevard Saint-René Est, Gatineau, QC J8R 1M9
(819) 663-3388‎

请问, 你自己去拆的? 拆车行能帮忙拆吗? 还是你问一个零件他们说有, 他们帮你拆了给你?
我晕死 修车比搞IT赚钱啊 差这么多。。。
请问, 你自己去拆的? 拆车行能帮忙拆吗? 还是你问一个零件他们说有, 他们帮你拆了给你?
我今天去旧车厂下rim,没下下来, 工具不行,买什么工具下轮胎(with rim)
If you care about the painting quality or 'result', those 8-dollar paint cans off store shelf would not suffice - you need to pay more :)

If you care about the painting quality or 'result', those 8-dollar paint cans off store shelf would not suffice - you need to pay more :)

我那是在专业店配的油漆。big bucks lah.:(
Keep practicing: temperature, distance, interval, volume, and clear coat... :D
我那是在专业店配的油漆。big bucks lah.:(