
my daughter's daycare ,last year I saw the parents just gave some cards and very little and cheap gift to the teacher. 20-30 dollars goft card? I think it's too much.
我家孩子上小学, 以前都是买5块钱左右的巧克力和卡送给老师就行了, 多伦多和滑铁卢那边都是这个行情,渥太华要送这么多吗?

每位老师送5块左右的巧克力再加一贺卡,我觉得这还差不多. 我女儿刚刚开始上幼儿园,这就赶上了圣诞元旦加过年的日子, 那么多个老师他们轮番带,也没个准该送谁不该送谁,5~6个下来每人$30的gift card, 我怎么觉得有点赶上国内行贿受贿的意思了,吃不消. 我爸今年夏天回国还在公车上听了个笑话, 说现在送礼得从幼儿园抓起,两个孩子还会做比较, "我妈妈昨天给阿姨送了一箱梨", "那算什么,前天我爸还给阿姨送了条金项链呢" 哈哈...:D 国内真的送幼儿园阿姨很多很贵的东西,不是开玩笑,都生怕阿姨虐待自己的孩子,何况别人送了,自己没送就显得好像做错了. 不会这边也开始兴这套了吧,咱们可不能把这不良风气带过来呀, 惯坏了可养不起, 意思意思就行了.
我是懒得写感谢信,而且真的很喜欢Emma这几个老师,帮助她完成toilet learning,很多次accident,老师都特别耐心,让我们很放心。趁圣诞节感谢一下。
感谢信,感谢的话, 贴一些上来参考参考? 谢谢 :D
Usually I buy $10-15 chocolate from Coscos for each daycare/school teacher who spends most of the time in the group.
感谢信,感谢的话, 贴一些上来参考参考? 谢谢 :D

这是去年teacher's appreciation day写的。都是拜年话。:p

Dear xx, xx and xx,

The three of you have made this center "a home-away-from-home"! Emma is flourishing in your care.

Since she started in July, we have observed an array of new skills emerging. She amazes us everyday with new words ("No touch!"), new song ("Noma Noma..." a.k.a. the ABC song), or new behaviours (flipping to put on her own clothes). Emma really enjoys her school days and we really enjoy NOT having to worry about ANYTHING when she's there. The whole family enjoys the pictures and artworks that you send to us, particularly grandparents, who are constantly asking for more.

You have put so much love and energy into the children. I don't know if you realize how much you are appreciated, but you are! Thank you!

Last but not the least, a very special thank you to the special chef xxx, for consistently making delicious yet nutritional meals everyday for the little ones. You went above and beyond. On Emma's first day, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that xxx was making pancakes from scratch for the 100+ children at the center, it's simply unheard of.

We are so impressed by the wonderful care that our daughter received from everyone at the center. For all that you do, thank you! Here is a little poem as a token of our appreciation:

Special Teacher

Thank you special teacher
For helping me to know
The things I need to learn
To live my life and grow.
I feel good with you because
Your teaching makes me see,
If I work at it, I can do it.
Thanks for showing me!

Emma & Parents

Dear XX, XX and XX,

Very rarely do we acknowledge the role of people who shape us and mould us and help us to find ourselves in that process.

On this Early Childhood Educator appreciation day, we would like to express our heart-felt gratitude to all of you for taking such good care of Emma everyday.

It has been quite a busy year for Emma: first she quickly transitioned to the preschool class; then came her little sister, and she had weaned off diaper. Every step of the way, you've been there to reassure her, to encourage her and to help her. In particular, Emma couldn't have succeeded in potty learning so easily without your daily attention and help, we all know that it's not the most pleasant thing to clean after the child who can't yet control her bladder. ^_^

We can see that Emma thoroughly enjoys being in your class. You've provided her with this safe, inspiring and fun-filled environment so that she could grow into a happy, confident and independent 3 year old.

Once again, thank you so much for everything!

Emma & Parents
这是去年teacher's appreciation day写的。都是拜年话。:p
thank you very much!

嗯, copy--paste--modify--send :D
这是去年teacher's appreciation day写的。都是拜年话。:p

哇 很棒 希望wiki妈妈别介意 我也copy您的作品拉!:blowzy:
LZ,歪一下楼哈。 妈妈们觉得在圣诞节应该给邮递员叔叔应该送多少钱啊?