上次UTI吃了抗生素后,正说这几天要去FOLLOW UP,她突然不爱喝水,不爱吃饭,特别能哭。我发现孩子舌头上起了两个溃疡,昨天嘴巴上也起了个大泡。开始以为是上火了,哄她喝水,她就是不喝,后来试了果汁,水果,冰淇淋。。。她就是不吃,可能嘴巴特别痛吧。有时候有点低烧,很烦躁,一晚上能哭醒几次。准备明天带她看医生。
我想是Hand,foot & mouth disease, 我女兒年初也得過,就是口腔有cold sores或潰瘍,會發燒,吃東西會痛所以不要吃。 兒醫給我兩種葯,一種是抗生素,一種是在吃東西前五分鍾點在口腔裡的暫時性的麻葯,起碼她不會痛能吃一點。 帶她看看醫生吧。 Get well soon!![]()
It's yeast infection, one of common side effects from antibiotics. You should visit doctor for treatment. Walk-in clinic should be fine if your family doctor is not available.
How old is the girl? Do kid eat yogurt at her age? Give her some yogurt everyday to balance the bacteria and yeast in her body. Antibiotics also kill some naturally happened bacterias. That will cause yeast infection.