

上次我女兒病了,傳染了給本來就咳了好久的我,我要上班,要照顧她,搞得疲勞過度,在準備帶女兒到CHEO的時候,我自己卻在家裡昏倒了,還好我老公和我爹在,叫了救護車。救護人員非常的好,模糊中我叫他們救我女兒,他們說" I think you should worry about yourself first, your daughter looks a lot better than you are." 後來他們說把我送到 General Hospital,就在CHEO邊上,那麼我在急診檢查的時候,我老公就可以帶女兒到CHEO。結果我們就花了7個小時在醫院…



my daugther had the exact symption when she was 2 years old. I was afraid that she would die. I didn't take her to see Dr. .After she refused any food/drink for couple days, I bought some cookies and yogurt that had beautiful pictures and she never had, she started to eat, since then she had 3 bowls of chicken noodle for that lunch. Suggest you buy some new food/drink to let her try.
my daugther had the exact symption when she was 2 years old. I was afraid that she would die. I didn't take her to see Dr. .After she refused any food/drink for couple days, I bought some cookies and yogurt that had beautiful pictures and she never had, she started to eat, since then she had 3 bowls of chicken noodle for that lunch. Suggest you buy some new food/drink to let her try.

plain yogurt

my son got it before, not a big deal, plain yogurt was the best for my son. it lasted a week. don't worry, just be careful not to have other complication.