刚来的时候,觉得好新鲜,然后就是好无聊。。。当然,跟国内比,哪里有家里舒服, 可是一个台湾朋友跟我说,到这里学到的就是要忍受寂寞。。。。。所以, 投入到自己最该作好的事情了,就是最好的生活方式。。。所以,我啊, ENJOY STUDYING。。。呵呵。。。。。然后,等一的FIANL 结束了, 再疯狂的玩。。。。a great sense of satisfactin will come out natually and I will let my parents down...nice feeling.......
to live well doesn't just mean to eat well and live well, but also live in a sound sense and let people who love you have no worry about you.....and achieve anything you could have.....
所以啊, 要想生活的好,首先要生活得有意义啊。。。。呵呵。。。。我好老成啊。。。都不象我了。。。。。呵呵
1. If you go out for skiing, the winter of ottawa becomes too short.
2. Are you kidding me? They are really from Xiang San restaurant? Now I know how bad those dishes cooked by Xiang San restaurant will be tasted like!!!