Did anyone donate to cord blood to public bank? Any experience to share?
It seems a good thing as it can help others.
I will deliver next month at Queensway and am considering it.
I donated the umbilical cord blood when I delivered my daughter in 2007. The Alberta Cord Blood Centre is the only public cord blood bank that accepts cord blood donation in Canada. They are a not-for-profit organization that receives partial funding from the government and the rest through donations.
If your expected due date is in the next month, you will have to register ASAP. You still have to allow time for delivery of the collection kit to you. There is a special device in the kit that draws the blood into a collecting bag/tube. Then it is put in a styrofoam container. Please be sure to have your doctor or midwife to fill in all the forms in the kit and ship with the package back to the ACBB. Courier fee is pre-paid by ACBB. Detail instructions comes with the kit, be sure to read it before you go to the hospital.
Check with your doctor/hospital if they charge extra to collect the cord blood after the delivery. My midwife did it for me for free because she knows it's for donation. But even if I had to pay, imagine if you can save a life, I think this is well worth it. You need to let them know in advance before the delivery that you wish to have the cord blood collected though.
This is a very good deed and I thank you on behalf of those who are in need. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.