请问一般的Home daycare收费如何?

可能我们是属于不太 "lucky" 的,我孩子的 daycare 孩子接晚了也重罚的。还有,去年春天我们带孩子回国 4 周,夏天出去玩 2 周,这六周的 daycare fee 是照交的 :blowzy:

I will show this to my daycare lady, tell her someone really feel "too bad" for her.

好,最好也让你的daycare lady披件马甲上来谈谈感想。;)
Thanks a lot for you kind and not judge people by few words.
I will pay attention not bother my friend too much, actually we kinds of help each other a lot, it is still a business, I ALAWAYS pay her by another way, even she keep saying she doesn't want it. I just try to tell people in this world still someone nice and try to help people when you really having problem. I like here that a lot of good people help each other and try to give good information. BUT still no where is perfect. I don't like argument, everyday only in lunch time have a little bit time in here look around, no time for fighting.
Thank you again!

To be honest, your English really kills me. No offense. :p
You make me laugh, looks like you really like to judge people without know more detail.
I am lucky and happy become very good friend with my daycare lady, and we all care about friendship more than business or money.
Try to be nice and kind, you may have more friends help you too.


That’s hilarious! I guess the LZ didn't realize she was having a special case until she saw so many people replied to her with a "I don't think so" attitude, she probably thought the case with her home daycare is universal and the ones who get fined are special cases. Nevertheless, it probably worked like a unexpected and unpleasant wake-up call.
可能我们是属于不太 "lucky" 的,我孩子的 daycare 孩子接晚了也重罚的。还有,去年春天我们带孩子回国 4 周,夏天出去玩 2 周,这六周的 daycare fee 是照交的 :blowzy:


接孩子晚了,如果是偶尔现象,不超过15分钟,有时候也不罚款。ALWAYS? NO WAY!


接孩子晚了,如果是偶尔现象,不超过15分钟,有时候也不罚款。ALWAYS? NO WAY!
一直建议您坐下说话,难道还是站着? :blowzy:

现在一般好的幼儿园都有个 waiting list, the list is long loNG, LONG 。。。

您没听说?很多家长在孩子没出生之前就开始在这 waiting list 上排队了。。。
一直建议您坐下说话,难道还是站着? :blowzy:

现在一般好的幼儿园都有个 waiting list, the list is long loNG, LONG 。。。

您没听说?很多家长在孩子没出生之前就开始在这 waiting list 上排队了。。。


“你可以不交钱,不保留位置。回来你再找啊。:p:D:D” (省略了,“有本事的话,。。。。”)