儿子排到了KRP daycare的位置,可是需要父母一人在KRP工作,有人遇到这种情况么?


顺便问楼上的,KRP还有校车吗?我天天去怎么从来么样看到过啊?坐school bus可是我们孩子的理想啊。。。路上碰到就是:hi, school bus....长大了我要坐校车。。。

说什么我也要送去坐两次啊。。。为什么KRP到Katimavic的elementary school。。真是太confusing。。。。。

KRP不要指望了,我花了牛大的力气也没有用,即使成为KRP的租户还不够,必须是长期的那种(12个月以上),临时租办公室的还不算,他们的waiting list 太长了.我觉得你还是算了吧. The Children's Place 其实也不错,孩子多,阿姨多,地方也大,没什么不好. 为这个稍微好点的幼儿园费老大力气不值得,不就是给孩子找个白天可以玩,中午有人管饭的地方吗,又不是升高中.所以我放弃了,反正不放弃他们也不让进.想开点咯!
how long is the waiting time

for the Children's Place, anyone knows how long is the waiting time? Is it a good daycare? How about Children's Universe Daycare on the Kanata south? Anyone has any experience?

两岁半以后就是Preschool了,你注册的时候应该是Toddler Program, 是不同班不同级别的,所以你不要抱希望.我当时也是排到了,被通知如果不在是所属公司的员工就不能送.如果你进不了Toddler,又没有注册Preschool, 就肯定没戏了.:( 也许几年前还可以通融,从前年下半年开始就越来越严格了KRP是同属一个公司的建筑群,他们的老板同一个,所以好处都优先自己的员工和租户,作为招客的诱饵.何况的确吸引人,排队的又多,所以希望是渺茫的.


顺便问楼上的,KRP还有校车吗?我天天去怎么从来么样看到过啊?坐school bus可是我们孩子的理想啊。。。路上碰到就是:hi, school bus....长大了我要坐校车。。。

说什么我也要送去坐两次啊。。。为什么KRP到Katimavic的elementary school。。真是太confusing。。。。。

跟据校车网站上写的位置,应该有校车的,我上周去KRP附近剪发时那个剪发的也说常见校车。是在535 Legget商业楼宇那边的school age program。

for the Children's Place, anyone knows how long is the waiting time? Is it a good daycare? How about Children's Universe Daycare on the Kanata south? Anyone has any experience?


The waiting time really depends on how old your child is. The older, the better. If he wants to get in before 1 yrs old, then you have to register before he was born. But, if he's over 2.5 yrs old, the chance is better.

My son went in when he was 11 months old. He's been there for almost 3+ years now. My coworker's daughter had been there for 12 years.

The classes are big, but there are plenty of teachers and helpers. They have an experienced management team and they are well organized. They are well known by public schools around. They feed the kids of different schools at different time, and the schools group the kids from this daycare together accordingly.

They provide breakfast, hot lunch, snack, and even supper (if required). They have free trips and free meals for families and friends of the kids about twice a year. They offer field trips every other week during summer, and a couple field trips during winter (no added fees). They offer night out (late pickup) and day-out (childcare on Saturday) every month, so parents can take a "real" break outside of the workplace once in a while.

I think they do care about the kids and they think for the families.
for the Children's Place, anyone knows how long is the waiting time? Is it a good daycare? How about Children's Universe Daycare on the Kanata south? Anyone has any experience?



that's more than 2 years! Are you waiting for the toddler program? You might not need the infant program if you registered this early.

You need to update the Centralized list otherwise they may think you no longer need the spot. Actually I'd been called by 3 day cares a few times asking if I still need the spot because it's my son's turn, but I just told them I no longer need the spot, and after a few times, I told the Centralized list to remove my request.