"Wind. 你来加较久. 我想问一下你, 今天上街我两次在不同的地点被狂欢的几个人怒目而视, 其中一个还对着我愤怒的咆哮, 但隔着车窗听不清他叫什么, 总之决非友好之举. 我没超速, 没抢道, 没冲灯, 只是经过他们而已. 是因为我没和他们一样在车顶插上国旗大喊大叫吗? 是因为我面无喜色吗? 我百思不得其解.于是连续鸣喇叭表示抗议.
我没见过这种场面, 也不了解加国人赢球后有什么风俗. 我做错了什么吗?"
I was on the street(in the car though) last night after game. A lot of people just had beers in the bars and very excited with results. Some of them yelled at my car too and even punched the window asking me to get out. It's just excitement and they wanted everyone come out and celebrate. We honk big time on bank street since everyone did so. It was fun. I don't think there is anything hostile there.
It's too big to Canada. Hocky was created here and every year more than 500,000 kids start to play hocky. It's a great victory to this country.