
Today, HOU is down 8%.
这人算不如天算,谁知道明天会是怎样,只能是cross our fingers了。
Hold your gun and don't shoot until next Monday. Sorry my true friend, i won't average down : why send good money after bad?
从AH看,明天可能是个Green day.
温度的升高和季节性飓风的到来,希望能够托高NG(现在最大的问题是储量太大),今天预测周四的NG的储量报告是+100,实际数据如果低于100,HNU上$6+的可能性就会很大。(我把房子的A/C 全部打开,温度调到18C,穿上ROBE,为多烧NG降低储量做些贡献。;)
从AH看,明天可能是个Green day.
温度的升高和季节性飓风的到来,希望能够托高NG(现在最大的问题是储量太大),今天预测周四的NG的储量报告是+100,实际数据如果低于100,HNU上$6+的可能性就会很大。(我把房子的A/C 全部打开,温度调到18C,穿上ROBE,为多烧NG降低储量做些贡献。;)

呵呵, 您家的空调是烧NG的? 希望石油早点反弹.我好解套买NG..
Hold the fort ... i'm gone for the day.

BP 造成的灾难超过当时Exxon的四到五倍!真心希望这次号称的" Top Kill"能够奏效堵住漏油管。无论结果如何,BP都成为现在美国人最憎恨的公司之一。
我从5月4日开始做空BP以来,不断增加空仓,上周四BP的反弹又使我增加了一些,持仓总数达到500个 PUT(相当于 500 x 100 股),是我今年在单一股票最为重仓的一只。
什么时候 cover short / sell put? $35 以下。
Short squeeze OR meet margin call? 做空MGM都没有碰到,做空BP也不会碰到。
If you had done short/put BP , you could have made a killing and slept like a baby every single night.

Well, things are changing rather quicker than I thought. Good luck to all my friends and remember....preservation is the Key that unlocks all doors and don't be temped to pull the trigger.
------ google 的退出,使得本身就是中国龙头老大的百度更为突出,但是股价也是不菲,不过5月11日的 1:10使得原本700多的股价变成了70多,从心理上让人感觉便宜了许多。当然了,q1的结果还是非常杰出,仍然保持高速增长态势,那么两年之内能否再到$100,我看很有可能。

仅仅过去四个月,百度就已经挑战百元大关( only a couple of points away on my last check), 只后悔 2012 jan 100c 当时买的太少。( Damn it. i keep kicking myself.:mad:
Not sure about you guys but i definitely had an awesome run on POT... starting on the day i read about their three-year supply contract with china it was around 113-115 & bought; then in a about week and a half or so, BHP announced hostile take over bid & dropped $130 USD per share offer on all POT holders; POT shares went skyrocket all the to $150 & kept up there; but now BHP and POT have taken it to court, but POT lost battle in US as BHP take over bid is legit in US, so POT is taking it to Canada now; it will be a long time before BHP can get anything from CDN government but right now it looks like a losing war for POT so i sold it all @ $147, pocketed 30% ROI, not bad for a month work... hope you liked this little story.
As well i would like to point out and agree with all you brothers, BIDU is a hot deal... i have kept my position since last year, through all the goog hypes in china and share split... ROI is now at 115% pretty good it think. Also i would recommend GOOG, a definite buy if you got some cash right now... It is a solid company, android phones are the only strong player right now against iPhones, as well as on the apps front.. not to mention their winning battle fronts on online ads, search, cloud computing, internet apps... Goog is to report earnings on Oct. 14, if you dare, get it now IMO. Also they are trying to get adversiting arm back up in China, working partnerships with locals - definitely bad news for BIDU and probably why BIDU went under $100 today. Think about it.Also check out the hot NASDAQ IPO CCIH - maybe you should get yer TFSA USD account going & take advantage of US market. Hope this helps.
Also got long-term positions in AAPL.. love the fact that it is now the second in the world by market cap; everything aapl ALL DA WAY! Never gonna sell as i get excited just by looking at my ROI.

Any thoughts on GM IPO btw? Any brother here would like to share some thoughts?
百度最近涨幅太大,从技术上讲也真该调整了。非常有意思的是,昨天有一位投资者买了2011 JAN 101P 并在同时卖掉了2011 JAN 87P,这倒是给了我一些启示:如果百度下周反弹至100以上,我将逐步建立短期空仓,买一些PUT,当然了,我几月前买入的2012 JAN 100C是坚决不会卖的,现在还后悔当时买少了。(收益率目前为止已经超过100%,呵呵)。
如果你感兴趣的话,我建议你关注一下GS,我感觉是短期是个底部了,我是在上周四买入一些 OCT 150C,但是周五早上出来的全是负面消息,还好GS倒是没有理会这些消息,走势坚挺。
看LZ 对OPTIONS真是很有研究, 我其实一直都用CASH ACC, 因为我觉得RISK已经很高了, 不过其实我还真想买入一些 protective puts 先, 因为我们的投资战果都来之不易, 买点保险也好。 我其实一直在关心GS, 就是不知道他们时候换CEO, 都说半年左右, 然后现在也一直动荡挺大,身为smartest on wall street 也是大家都先target的目标我想, 所以想再看看。。 不过我想一旦大局稳定以后, GS的upside 应该在200左右, 所以其实现在买入一些建仓也不错。