Happy new year

It's said the IUD (Mirena) is the most effective birth control device. But it costs $380 to buy the device. It's hurt when the doctor put the device in. There will be bleeding/spotting up to the first 3 months. Irregular spotting may appear later on.

Your period duration will be reduced. With time going by, your period may totally disappeared unless you remove the device.

It's said the device is not harmful for your later childbirth. You can be pregnant 1-2 years after you remove the device. I heard a friend got pregnant 6 months after the device removal (she inserted the ring-shaped device in China.) And her kid is very healthy.

But I will not choose to insert the device unless I seriously decide not to be pregnant anymore.
It's said the IUD (Mirena) is the most effective birth control device. But it costs $380 to buy the device. It's hurt when the doctor put the device in. There will be bleeding/spotting up to the first 3 months. Irregular spotting may appear later on.

Your period duration will be reduced. With time going by, your period may totally disappeared unless you remove the device.

It's said the device is not harmful for your later childbirth. You can be pregnant 1-2 years after you remove the device. I heard a friend got pregnant 6 months after the device removal (she inserted the ring-shaped device in China.) And her kid is very healthy.

But I will not choose to insert the device unless I seriously decide not to be pregnant anymore.


3。放进去头几天会有异物感,之后几个月会有spotting,但是量不多,用light days那种pantiliner就够。Spotting在我这大概持续了4个月。
4。用Mirena会减少经量,有时候甚至会完全消失。Believe me it's a good thing! 还有一个好处,我的PMS几乎完全消失了,LD也很欣慰。:p

可以报销? Really? It looks my husband's employee insurance doesnot cover it.

What insurance are you using.
我觉得跟传统IUD相比Mirena就是多了避孕药的功效。但是如果你身体不适合避孕药还是选择传统IUD为好。我知道有人不能用hormone therapy,会没完没了地大量出血。
可以报销? Really? It looks my husband's employee insurance doesnot cover it.

What insurance are you using.

