小心,Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)有陷阱!

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 xujie
  • 开始时间 开始时间
原本想开这个帐号让暂时不用的钱下点蛋,账号上从没超过5000的上限。 昨天收到CRA的信,说是账号上累计超过了两万多,限期交%的税率。


情况是不是这样的: 你用5000开个帐号,投资亏了钱,或者赚了取出来,余额低于5000。然后又存进去钱补足5000。
How many will make lots of money in these accounts? People are used for Term deposit mostly which don't even beat the inflation. Also, how many people actually have $5000 to spare a year.... unfortunately.
one more question for this topic. The interest they charge you calculated by month or by year?
For example: I deposit 5000 in Jan this year. I took out 10000 at March and I put back 20000 in May. I took all the money back yesterday. How much would they charge me for the interest?
Here is the calculation:
2009: $5000 deposit (assume)
Jan 2010: $5000 deposit
Mar 2010: $10000 withdraw
April 2010: no activity
May 2010: $20000 deposit ( penalty starts @1%, $200)
Jun 2010: $20000 withdraw (penalty continues @1%, $200 Total: $400)
July 2010: no activity (penalty stops. Total $400)
Thanks a lot to dkwan.
how come I withdrew the money to correct my mistake, but the penalty still continues?
They use something call "High watermark of the month" to calculate penalty.
If any given date in a calendar month exceed the limit will incur penalty.
Example 1:
June 1: $10000 over limit
June 2: $10000 withdraw
Penalty will be charge at 1% for June.

Exmaple 2:
June 30: $10000 over limit
July 1: holiday which you can't withdraw money
This scenario will charge penalty for both June and July
取出后的空间第二年Jan 1之后才能用,不然就超额罚款!
I just read the news, it is good news for me.

The problem is that I have already mailed a cheaque to cra, don't know if I could get my money back.
I just read the news, it is good news for me.

The problem is that I have already mailed a cheaque to cra, don't know if I could get my money back.
模范公民? 你小看他了。 他可能想竞选下届的总理。LOL