妈妈们觉得有必要给宝宝置办个Diaper Genie吗?

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放车库里的大垃圾筒买个带盖子的就好了,我家就是那种,宝宝的大便尿布我都不放在家里的垃圾筒里,直接扔去那里,不过每次打开的时候会很有味道 - 加快速度,屏住呼吸,扔了盖上就跑:D
:cool: 如果加了保鲜膜,那不知道要多久才会分解掉?
我们实验室里好几个生宝宝的妈妈,只有我一个是用纸尿布的,原来以为用cloth diaper是节约,结果那天一问,宝宝爸爸很无辜地告诉我说是为了环保,我那个汗呀......:blowzy:

Over the long run cloth diaper is more economical. It takes about an initial investment of about $250-$300 depending on the brand, then you just pay for washing every 3 or 4 days.

Also, cloth diaper causes much less diaper rash. We use cloth diapers and my son never has rashes. We only use disposable ones at night.
Over the long run cloth diaper is more economical. It takes about an initial investment of about $250-$300 depending on the brand, then you just pay for washing every 3 or 4 days.

Also, cloth diaper causes much less diaper rash. We use cloth diapers and my son never has rashes. We only use disposable ones at night.

:cool: :cool::cool: