
美孤说的那种应该是已经被charge了钱的,所以大家都去退。bc省是这样, 但是渥太华买饮料的时候好像没有加钱,也可以退吗?
In HALL, St. Joseph, Lawblas . There is a machine that collect the can and print out credit point ticket. The ticket can be used in the Lablaws. I saw this two yeas ago, but not sure for now. Go there and check it.
最初由 AfterDie 发布
5 cent, hull

super c有机器回收,只收QC的,能自动识别,可去试探一下
hull赌场旁边的super C有收的,但理论上只收Qecbec的易拉罐,以为他们卖是是加了税的,
可能是别的省份来退瓶的人越来越多,后来Quebec的易拉罐(至少是Coca cola)改成top是金色的了
最初由 Jsjin 发布
In HALL, St. Joseph, Lawblas . There is a machine that collect the can and print out credit point ticket. The ticket can be used in the Lablaws. I saw this two yeas ago, but not sure for now. Go there and check it.

现在那家Lawbaws都已经关门了,不过在同一条街上,有一家IGA(在Zellers边上),那家可以退安大略的易拉罐,我也是偶然发现的。SUPER C不给退,如果你把安大略的易拉罐仍到那里的机器里的话,可能会导致机器死机(那里的工作人员告诉我的)。
最初由 AfterDie 发布
YY,she want to make money
I understood that, but things are running differently here. People are voluntarily participating in garbage recycling program here in Ottawa and most of the Ontario. -------Try as you may, you produce waste.
:D :cool: