多谢各位的表扬。这次未能实现Deep sea fishing,因为无法将家人留在cottage而自己去快乐三个半小时,心里那份遗憾难以言说。在PEI的cavendish rd 有好几家经营深海钓鱼的,只要35块钱,各位可以去尝试一下。而我只能等到这个劳工节,到新泽西去实现这个愿望了。
Went to the Atlatic provinces the same time period as you did. The deep sea fishing at PEI is amazing, tons of Mackerel, not many Atlantic cods, got a few cods but only one is large enough to keep. We saw whales and sharks too. I guess the sharks are attracted by the fish waste thrown in water when the seaman fillet the fishes. Better taking the afternoon shift. Watching sun set while fishing is so relaxing.
Count me in if you need someone to go with you on labor day.
不是很清楚跟团的话全部下来要花费多少。我这次一趟十天,平均每人花费五百多。基本上住的是cottage,有厨房,当地买的蔬菜和海鲜及肉类,所以吃得和住得都很舒服。自驾玩起来很随意,而跟团基本上看一个景点不会给多少时间的,但省心,吃住都由人安排。所以各有好处了。不过好像跟团不会去Cape Breton,那将非常遗憾。我未来几年会再去一次,但只玩Cape Breton了,从那里下来,看山厌山,看海厌海。
karman, 看到你钓的鱼,我的心里稍微舒服了些,因为鱼不是很大嘛,呵呵。我到新泽西是要看望亲戚,所以没法约你们一起去了。我准备去的地点是Bogan's Deep Sea Fishing Center,
800 Ashley Ave.,Brielle, NJ 08730. http://www.bigjamaica.com/. Bluefish fishing trip, adult $55, 7.5小时,很划算了。希望能在那里遇到你们。如果我能成行的话,回来向大家汇报。