精华 分享大家上大学时喜欢的歌

The Piano是我很喜欢的一部电影,与大家分享下她的音乐。:)

Michael Nyman - The Heart Asks Pleasure First


Michael Nyman__Big My Secret

:cool::cool::cool: 我们家的小孩也喜欢这个:D


The Gummy Bear Song - Long English Version
这几天老想起“mission impossible”。

mission impossible 2 theme song
:cool::cool::cool:握手!能看电视直播也是一种缘分啊,Secret Garden可以说是我的至爱了:blowzy:。

说起我喜欢上Secret Garden完全是偶然的缘分,最初就是在朋友家偶然听到这首“Nocturne”,一下子就给迷上了。

和一首Secret Garden - Gates Of Dawn

Nocturne By Secret Garden


Now and Then - Blackmore's Night

The past is so familiar
But that's why you couldn't stay
Too many ghosts, too many haunted dreams
Beside you were built to find your own way...
But after all these years, I thought we'd still hold on
But when I reach for you and search your eyes
I see you've already gone...
That's OK
I'll be fine
I've got myself, I'll heal in time
But when you leave just remember what we had...
There's more to life than just you
I may cry but I'll make it through
And I know that the sun will shine again
Though I may think of you now and then...

Can't do a thing with ashes
But throw them to the wind...
Though this heart may be in pieces now
You know I'll build it up again and
I'll come back stronger than I ever did before
Just don't turn around when you walk out that door...
That's OK
I'll be fine
I've got myself, I'll heal in time
But when you leave just remember what we had..
There's more to life than just you
I may cry but I'll make it through
And I know that the sun will shine again
Though I may think of you now and then...
That's OK
I'll be fine
I've got myself, I'll heal in time
And even though our stories at the end
I still may think of you now and then...
<embed src="http://www.xiami.com/widget/1688983_1769400540/singlePlayer.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="257" height="33" wmode="transparent"></embed>

Speak softly love 是经典电影《教父》的经典主题曲,最早是由Andy Williams 唱红的,之后有很多歌手都翻唱过。今天特意找出一个女声版的来,因为“温柔(soft)”不是女性的专利,一个铁骨铮铮的男子对他的爱人流露出的温柔更让人感动,所以女子应该也可以要求她的爱人“温柔地说你爱我”吧。

很喜欢这两句歌词:"Wine colored days, warmed by the sun. Deep velvet nights, when we are one"。它让我想到这样一个画面:两个相爱的人在天高云淡的地方并肩看那满天绚丽的晚霞,从粉到紫,让人心醉的颜色。直至夜幕降临,星星出现在深蓝色丝绒一般的夜空上。

<embed src="http://www.xiami.com/widget/0_2100041/singlePlayer.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="257" height="33" wmode="transparent"></embed>

Speak softly love, and hold me warm against your heart
I feel your words, the tender trembling moments start
We're in a world, our very own
Sharing a love that only few have ever known
Wine colored days, warmed by the sun
Deep velvet nights, when we are one

Speak softly love, so no one hears us but the sky
The vows of love we make will live until we die
My life is yours, and all because
You came into my world with love, so softly love

Wine colored days, warmed by the sun
Deep velvet nights, when we are one

Speak softly love, so no one hears us but the sky
The vows of love we make will live until we die
My life is yours, and all because
You came into my world with love, so softly love

今天去其他楼里练了几下“拳脚”,:blowzy: 本来想偷懒不贴歌写乐评了,但是看见SipWorld的鼓励,觉得不能不有所响应。:)

看起来大家都很喜欢《海上钢琴师》里的那段乐曲,那我就再接着再来一段那部电影里另一段我很喜欢的乐曲,Magic Waltz


不知道为什么,我听到1900说那句"Trust me. Take the brakes off."时,有些思绪万千的感觉。人们常说有自信不容易,却可曾想过,要相信另一个人更不容易,尤其当这个人不是你的父母或其他有天然的条件让你完全信任他的时候。有时候,要相信另一个人,就好像是冒一场巨大的险。
好在不是所有的冒险都是这样的结局--尤其是如果你遇到的是一个和你一样的人,一个总是和你想法一致、常常会和你在同时说出同样的话做出同样动作的人,那么即使你抛弃理智去无条件地相信他/她,结局也不会让你后悔,因为你将经历的是一段美妙无比又有些疯狂的时光,就好像1900的这段“魔力华尔兹”一样。Trust me. ;)

:cool::cool::cool: 我坐上沙发,听着美妙的歌曲,思考木兰点评的人生哲理。

今天去其他楼里练了几下“拳脚”,:blowzy: 本来想偷懒不贴歌写乐评了,但是看见SipWorld的鼓励,觉得不能不有所响应。:)

看起来大家都很喜欢《海上钢琴师》里的那段乐曲,那我就再接着再来一段那部电影里另一段我很喜欢的乐曲,Magic Waltz


不知道为什么,我听到1900说那句"Trust me. Take the brakes off."时,有些思绪万千的感觉。人们常说有自信不容易,却可曾想过,要相信另一个人更不容易,尤其当这个人不是你的父母或其他有天然的条件让你完全信任他的时候。有时候,要相信另一个人,就好像是冒一场巨大的险。
好在不是所有的冒险都是这样的结局--尤其是如果你遇到的是一个和你一样的人,一个总是和你想法一致、常常会和你在同时说出同样的话做出同样动作的人,那么即使你抛弃理智去无条件地相信他/她,结局也不会让你后悔,因为你将经历的是一段美妙无比又有些疯狂的时光,就好像1900的这段“魔力华尔兹”一样。Trust me. ;)

星野, 抱抱, 喜欢《The Piano》。 和一首Brain Crain 的Piano:Song for Sienna:


The Piano是我很喜欢的一部电影,与大家分享下她的音乐。:)

Michael Nyman - The Heart Asks Pleasure First

哈,这首曲子的前20秒,我每天要听n多次呐, 太熟悉不过了。工作上有一个Project,需要Play Audio, 用的就是这曲子前20秒的wave file as an example, 呵呵!:D:D

这几天老想起“mission impossible”。

mission impossible 2 theme song

作者: tree&waves] 今天去其他楼里练了几下“拳脚”, 本来想偷懒不贴歌写乐评了,但是看见SipWorld的鼓励,觉得不能不有所响应。 看起来大家都很喜欢《海上钢琴师》里的那段乐曲,那我就再接着再来一段那部电影里另一段我很喜欢的乐曲,Magic Waltz。 1900自出生起就在海上生活,所以他对轮船的颠簸习以为常。邮轮遇到了大风浪,他仍然泰然自若地坐在已空无一人的轮船酒吧里弹琴。一位晕船的客人摇晃着进来了,1900让他把钢琴的闸松开,并坐到他旁边来。于是就有了这段美妙无比还有些疯狂的“钢琴踏浪行”。 不知道为什么,我听到1900说那句"Trust me. Take the brakes off."时,有些思绪万千的感觉。人们常说有自信不容易,却可曾想过,要相信另一个人更不容易,尤其当这个人不是你的父母或其他有天然的条件让你完全信任他的时候。有时候,要相信另一个人,就好像是冒一场巨大的险。 李白的《长干行》里有一句“常存抱柱信,岂上望夫台”,那个“抱柱信”就是这样一场冒险:一个叫作尾生的男子,和一个女子相约在桥下会面,结果下暴雨,河水涨了,尾生坚信女子不会失约,抱柱桥下的柱子,直至河水将他淹没...... 好在不是所有的冒险都是这样的结局--尤其是如果你遇到的是一个和你一样的人,一个总是和你想法一致、常常会和你在同时说出同样的话做出同样动作的人,那么即使你抛弃理智去无条件地相信他/她,结局也不会让你后悔,因为你将经历的是一段美妙无比又有些疯狂的时光,就好像1900的这段“魔力华尔兹”一样。Trust me. CFC Media Player YouTube - Magic waltz from "Legend of 1900"[/quote] [quote=winpath 说:
:cool::cool::cool: 我坐上沙发,听着美妙的歌曲,思考木兰点评的人生哲理。
今天garden work, 累死了。给自己做一杯咖啡,听歌友们贴的歌,读木兰的点评,还有Brian Crain的Butterfly Waltz... 有没有人喜欢的: Butterfly Waltz by Brian Crain

A few days ago I overheard this song from the radio while driving to Costco. How unromantic! Nevertheless the melody struck me and started to resonate in my skull. I could not put it away. So I went home, brought out my guitar and looked over the internet to get the chords. Played that and other Elton John hits as well and well past my bedtime.
BTW, Ultimate Guitar is a useful website if you are looking for guitar chords for a particular song.


I Need You To Turn To
Music by Elton John
Lyrics by Bernie Taupin
Available on the album Elton John

Em D G A Am Em D Em

Em D G A
You're not a ship to carry my life
Am Em D Em
You are nailed to my love in many lonely nights
Em D G A
I've strayed from the cottages and found myself here
Am Em D Em
For I need your love your love protects my fears

And I wonder sometimes and I know I'm unkind
B7 Em D D/F#
But I need you to turn to when I act so blind
And I need you to turn to when I lose control
B7 Em D
You're my guardian angel who keeps out the cold

Did you paint your smile on, well I said I knew
That my reason for living was for loving you
We're related in feeling but you're high above
You're pure and you're gentle with the grace of a dove

Em D G A Am Em D E
不知道为什么,我听到1900说那句"Trust me. Take the brakes off."时,有些思绪万千的感觉。人们常说有自信不容易,却可曾想过,要相信另一个人更不容易,尤其当这个人不是你的父母或其他有天然的条件让你完全信任他的时候。有时候,要相信另一个人,就好像是冒一场巨大的险。
