

我也在pump,我在医院租的pump,一直就觉得自己的奶水不够,医生建议我每次打15分钟,我每次打都打不出来多少,就头5分钟能打出奶,后面就没有了,但是打完后自己用手一挤乳房,还是有奶出来。一直没有弄明白,还以为是pump出问题,问了好多人,都觉得医院的pump很好,问题不会是出在pump上, 直到昨天在网上才了解一点,是喇叭口太小,每次打奶就堵在奶头上,pump网站上说那款pump配有5种型号的喇叭口,昨天去医院问,人家根本不知到,他们那就一种型号出租。郁闷ing,希望老公今天能找到一个对口的pump。


听上去有点Nipple confusion的样子,喝睡着了就别弄醒了,让他睡醒了自己再喝。宝宝很聪明,喝奶瓶方便,喝胸喂得母乳要吸要多用力,所以喜欢喝奶瓶。楼主坚持一下,能多喂就自己多多亲自喂,刚开始宝宝自己也不会,也要让他多多学习喝奶的技术的。出了月子就会奶多的。:D
Sorry, first time user. Use my Hubby's cover. Can not type chinese. (at work)
You can use this instead of bottle. If you've already given 80 ml after each feeding, I will suggest fill in 2 Oz (60ml) at first time and gradually reduce. And take Fenugreek ( 3 caps, 3 times per day, you can find it in any nutrition food store.) to increase your milk supply, you will see the difference in 24 hours, peak is within 72 hours. Pump 6 times per day, will only maintain the milk supply, if you'd like to increase it, you need pump 8 times at least.
If you can do it and survive in that week you can fully 胸喂 after a week.
Couldn't breast feeding doesn't mean you couldn't be a great mom.
Take care the baby and youself. & Good luck.
Sorry, first time user. Use my Hubby's cover. Can not type chinese. (at work)
You can use this instead of bottle. If you've already given 80 ml after each feeding, I will suggest fill in 2 Oz (60ml) at first time and gradually reduce. And take Fenugreek ( 3 caps, 3 times per day, you can find it in any nutrition food store.) to increase your milk supply, you will see the difference in 24 hours, peak is within 72 hours. Pump 6 times per day, will only maintain the milk supply, if you'd like to increase it, you need pump 8 times at least.
If you can do it and survive in that week you can fully 胸喂 after a week.
Couldn't breast feeding doesn't mean you couldn't be a great mom.
Take care the baby and youself. & Good luck.

谢谢妈妈们,我会坚持的,昨天从新去买了一个pump,Medela hand free breastpump, 和他家配套的大喇叭口,还没有试hand free的功能, 不过pump还不错。现在做梦都是梦到自己的奶水多起来。
谢谢妈妈们,我会坚持的,昨天从新去买了一个pump,Medela hand free breastpump, 和他家配套的大喇叭口,还没有试hand free的功能, 不过pump还不错。现在做梦都是梦到自己的奶水多起来。