
Not exactly, the province will give you 75% of the increased HST back for the first 400K when you buy a house.

The 55K increase should include 8% Hst. For $400k house, the number is 32k, a big chunk of 55k
Not exactly, the province will give you 75% of the increased HST back for the first 400K when you buy a house.

That is only appying to the house built before July 1 2011. No rebate after that date.
July 2010, or July 2011?
July 2011. Between July 1 2010 and July 1 2011, the builder collects the rebate, so the price for a house built between july 1 2010 and July 1 2011 is supposed included partial HST and any rebate won't go to a buyer's pocket. After July 1 2011, the government will not provide rebate.
很简单,全观望不成交,就会降价。 相反,又开始抢房,就会涨。
有了房子的人说长期看涨, 没有房子的人说短期看跌,其实都对, 就是没人愿意买在高点上, 这叫消费信心指数。 现在看来, 房屋的消费信心很底。
每个城市的房价都是靠新房维持,跟国内没差。现在巴屯和riverside south 双车库独栋都有75万的。kanata靠近417附近更不用说了,down house 40万左右的比比皆是,可见大家都已经预见到房价涨的差不多了。100万人口的渥太华多伦多温哥华没得比。银行降低利率在疫情期间刺激房地产是饮鸩止渴。市场萧条,百业待兴。成熟的市场经济需要的投资者而不是投机者,接盘侠们注意啦。