Golf on Thursday, September 9?


Hello golfers, I am coming to Ottawa again!

I hope to play an early round of golf and have a nice lunch like we had last time with essengolf and Robinz. I would expect to finish everything By 1-2 pm. I will have a dinner with my colleague from BC in the evening.

Any suggestions on the golf course and any friends would like to play together? If we could find players who like to play with a 2-2-2 (of course based on handicap) or some similar style in a team format, it would be great.


Welcome !!! Is Thursday the only time you can play? Will you stay over weekend?
Thanks for Xiaoyan's reply. No problem.

Playman, yes. I have to go back on Friday after a whole day meeting. Thursday is the only day I could play. No big deal; if no one can play together, I could always play myself.

平凡客: 2-2-2 stands for $2 for front 9, $2 for back 9 and $2 for 18-hole total. A two-player team plays against another two-player team. For example, if team A wins 4 points in front 9, and team B wins 5 point in back 9, each player of team A wins $2 for front, lost $2 for back and lost $2 for whole 18. Therefore each player in team B wins $2. There is also a "press" to claim, which means "double" or "nothing" or "as is". For example, after hole #8 before #9, if team A is 3 up, team B can press the match. If team B wins hole #9, nobody wins front 9 ("nothing"); if team B loses the press at hole #9, team B lost 2x$2=$4 ("double"). The winning darlors are usually only enough for a beer and usually the winners buy the beer...

上次跟你同场碰运气打了个"处女鹰"。着实痛快了几星期。很希望有机会再次向高手学习。星期四是工作日,的确是一个问题。但不想错过打另一个老鹰的机会。如果开球时间上午9:30左右可行的话, 我可以本周晚些时候 尝试预订Le Sorcier。

阿平: will you be available next Thursday?

上次跟你同场碰运气打了个"处女鹰"。着实痛快了几星期。很希望有机会再次向高手学习。星期四是工作日,的确是一个问题。但不想错过打另一个老鹰的机会。如果开球时间上午9:30左右可行的话, 我可以本周晚些时候 尝试预订Le Sorcier。

阿平: will you be available next Thursday?
Isn't Le sorcier too far away? especially for a person who is going to catch a plane...
Isn't Le sorcier too far away? especially for a person who is going to catch a plane...

Thanks 笑言!
May I suggest Chateau Cartier? It's a lot closer and has probably the best value/price ratio if 天涯 don't mind to play the same course again.
Nice to hear from you!

Hello Xiaoyan & Robinz,

Thanks for your guys' replies. Chinese golfers in Ottawa are truly friendly!

I will arrive in Ottawa from Toronto on Wed the 8th at about 6 pm. I have allocated a whole day for golf on Thursday the 9th. Therefore, a radius of 50 km about downtown is not too far. I will rent a car anyway. Have played Chateau Cartier already so Le sorcier would be a better choice...

Tee off at 9:30 is good for me. If needed, I can get up at 7 am (NL time 8:30 am) and get ready to drive on the road at 7:30. If we tee off at 9:30, we should be able to finish the round by 1:30 and have lunch at about 2 pm, which works fine for me.

enssengolf is going to depart for his trip on the 9th; so we have to miss him. During my last visit and playing with you guys, I enjoyed friendship and the spirit of golf very much too. Look forward to an enjoyable round of golf again... cloverdale link...or mississippi....:p

Thanks 阿平 for the suggestions.

Used to play at Cloverdale and really liked this wide open link style course but it is not part of EG member course三. Mississippi is on the EG list and would like to try it some time this season. For next Thursday however, I'll have to send my wife to work in Hull/Gatineau around 8:30am;so I'm afraid Cloverdale or Mississippi will be too far for me to get there before 9:30 (with some spare for warm up).
So how about at Le sorcier teeting off at 9:30 am?

I will stay in Delta Hotel Ottawa; 20 km from Le Sorcier. That's should take me about 30 minutes or so.

If this does not work out, any other golf course would be good, though I prefer a different course from what I have played before.
Gents, looking for possible spot for playing on Sept. 9. I am a new member of OCGA, never met any of you yet. Alway like to make friends on golf course.

As for golf course, since I am a member of ClubLink, Hautes Plaines (12 min from downtown core, beautiful alpine style course with 300+ft elevation changes) or Eagle Creek ( in Dunrobin) and Kanata Lakes all accessible. Let me know if you are interested.

Gents, looking for possible spot for playing on Sept. 9. I am a new member of OCGA, never met any of you yet. Alway like to make friends on golf course.

As for golf course, since I am a member of ClubLink, Hautes Plaines (12 min from downtown core, beautiful alpine style course with 300+ft elevation changes) or Eagle Creek ( in Dunrobin) and Kanata Lakes all accessible. Let me know if you are interested.


Thanks Kevin for the suggestions! Interested to know what's the guest rates for these private club link courses in particular Hautes Plaines. You can certainly go ahead to book a 4-some game @ tee-off time around 9:30am with 3 guest players (天涯, me and XY). Thanks!

天涯: I was going to book Le Sporcier this morning but Kevin's suggestion provides better choices.