卖课本BUSI2001, BUSI2504, ECON1000(已售), ECON2002(已售), PSYC1001,1002(已借), MATH1119
BUSI 2001
Kieso et al, Intermediate Accounting, Volume 1, 8th Canadian Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Toronto 2007 $40
2010 summer读的版本,虽然现在用的会计准则从GAAP换成了IFRS,但整个我们学习的会计理论和框架没很大改变,整本书就第九章的investment有所更新。

RF卡 (已售),Summer买的全新的50多刀的,应该不会出现电池没电的情况。现卖 $35

BUSI 2504
Ross, Westerfield, Jordan and Roberts, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 6th Canadian Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2007.
2010 summer买的,现卖 $35

ECON2002, 2010 summer 买的。现卖 $90
· B. Curtis Eaton, Diane F. Eaton and Douglas W. Allen (2009): Microeconomics: Theory with Applications (Pearson Canada, Toronto), Seventh Edition. The companion to this text is its study guide: Problem Solving in Microeconomics.

Psychology themes& variations 1st edition 现卖 $30

BUSI 2001
Kieso et al, Intermediate Accounting, Volume 1, 8th Canadian Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Toronto 2007 $40
2010 summer读的版本,虽然现在用的会计准则从GAAP换成了IFRS,但整个我们学习的会计理论和框架没很大改变,整本书就第九章的investment有所更新。

RF卡 (已售),Summer买的全新的50多刀的,应该不会出现电池没电的情况。现卖 $35

BUSI 2504
Ross, Westerfield, Jordan and Roberts, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 6th Canadian Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2007.
2010 summer买的,现卖 $35

ECON2002, 2010 summer 买的。现卖 $90
· B. Curtis Eaton, Diane F. Eaton and Douglas W. Allen (2009): Microeconomics: Theory with Applications (Pearson Canada, Toronto), Seventh Edition. The companion to this text is its study guide: Problem Solving in Microeconomics.

Psychology themes& variations 1st edition 现卖 $30