有鱼上钩的时候千万不要紧张,乱了手脚。那里上的鱼一般都是2,3十磅的鱼,在水里的力量更是了得。要了解自己的gear都是什么配置,尽量于之周旋,千万不要急于上鱼。耐心是成功的关键因素之一。见过很多拉倒眼前断线的。此鱼从上钩到landing半个小时很正常。I went there two week ago and a lots of people are fishing there. several people caught fishing and very interesting. it is hard to caught it and too much broken line.
Does anybody know another location of fishing salmon around Kingston ? I went there 7 years ago and I forgot how to go there. Thanks