ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,437 荣誉分数 37,503 声望点数 1,393 2010-09-23 #16 tree&waves 说: 厕所不都是一小格一小格的隔着的吗?隔壁是女厕所,这边当然也还是女厕所。 点击展开... 这个,俺还真不知道,从来没有进去过。:blowzy: 是我忘记了国情,判断错误。在加拿大,异性厕所里面的讲话声音,在自己这侧是听不到的。 嗯。是得改称TA为小何。
tree&waves 说: 厕所不都是一小格一小格的隔着的吗?隔壁是女厕所,这边当然也还是女厕所。 点击展开... 这个,俺还真不知道,从来没有进去过。:blowzy: 是我忘记了国情,判断错误。在加拿大,异性厕所里面的讲话声音,在自己这侧是听不到的。 嗯。是得改称TA为小何。
lifelife 版主 管理成员 VIP 注册 2007-06-14 消息 8,234 荣誉分数 64 声望点数 178 2010-09-23 #17 ccc 说: 老HE说,"隔壁女厕所"。他怎么成了SHE? 点击展开... Watch your words :glowface::glowface: If you think that "he" can 听隔壁女厕所那边人说, people will think that why and how "he" did it? And, you may be responsible for a legal step :warn:
ccc 说: 老HE说,"隔壁女厕所"。他怎么成了SHE? 点击展开... Watch your words :glowface::glowface: If you think that "he" can 听隔壁女厕所那边人说, people will think that why and how "he" did it? And, you may be responsible for a legal step :warn:
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,437 荣誉分数 37,503 声望点数 1,393 2010-09-23 #18 lifelife 说: Watch your words :glowface::glowface: If you think that "he" can 听隔壁女厕所那边人说, people will think that why and how "he" did it? And, you may be responsible for a legal step :warn: 点击展开... 别吓我。俺天生就是个胆小鬼。:blink:
lifelife 说: Watch your words :glowface::glowface: If you think that "he" can 听隔壁女厕所那边人说, people will think that why and how "he" did it? And, you may be responsible for a legal step :warn: 点击展开... 别吓我。俺天生就是个胆小鬼。:blink: