Garage Door and Opener(车库门/开门器) 专业安装、维修

Do you install garage door too? if so, how much for double size door? Thanks!
想问楼主一个问题: 我家的开门器可以用遥控器开门(没有任何问题), 但是这几天突然不能用遥控器关门了。 只能用那个装在墙上的控制器关门,而且一定要从头到底一直按着,否则自己会再打开。我们本来觉得会不会是墙角的感应器有问题,但是我们昨天动那个感应器(就是上下左右动动),问题仍旧没有解决。 我觉得在我们乱折腾,不如问问专业人士。请问你能不能给点建议呢?谢谢
The problem is from the safety sensor, you may call me if u want.
The problem is from the safety sensor, you may call me if u want.
谢谢。 就是那个感应器的问题是吧?解决起来简单嘛?我下个周末会联系你的。谢谢
This week(from2016-Sep-08) Canadian Tire Chamberlain 1/2hp Belt Drive opener $199, great deal!
@Lowes: This week (Oct10...) Chamberlain openers on sale,$129,$149.,good deal!
This week from today Nov10/2016: @ Sears: some great deals on Craftsman and Chamberlain openers. Hurry up!
黑五opener 打折: Sears,Lowes,HomeDepot.
Sorry busy sometimes,you may text or email in that case.
Lowes&Rona some chain openers on sale till Aug10.