问题应该是“为什么不走”, 而不是“为什么来”。 everybody has curiosity, and wants to see what the world outside his mundane life is realy like. why do you have to endure all these sufferings if you see the north america life is not for you? aren't you your own master?? don't you have your own brain and legs???
The undergraduate students from UofT is not necessarily smarter than CU students. The best under programs in Canada are all in Maritime but I don't think smart students go there either. This is not like in China.Someone smart in China could be considered weird here. So I don't think studying with good students is a valid reason for anyone to attend UofT.
从工作机会来说,去比较一下UT的job fair就知道了。而且在北美有个说法,同校前辈找人首先考虑校友,此风以哈佛最盛。多伦多big five(当地人所指的5大银行)里面什么学校的人最多,也可以打听到,是什么我不知道,肯定不是Carleton。
UofT is a good university, but not the same class as Harvard in business for sure. A B.Commerce from CU or UofT probably will not make that much difference for hiring finacial intitutes. I do agree with you that studying in Toronto do have better chance to network because there are more financial institute there. I don't know it matters to snoopy though because she can get a placement from co-op program from CU anyway.
{B}snoopy是个好学生,希望她有更好的前途。 [/B]
更好的前途 not neccessarily has to be a BComm from UofT. I don't know snoopy. Just wish her good luck in study.