车子在高速开到 110 有些抖动, 是啥原因啊?

could be:
road-force balance
or joints
could be tie rods
Is your car midium or compact size? Does the vibration stop when the speed is lower or higher than 110km/h? If so, you just need to avoid this speed, probably there is nothing can be fixed.
there is no vibration when the speed is lower, it gets more vibration if the speed is higher. I just noticed it after I put my snow tires on a few days ago.
If so I am not sure what the problem is.

My car, a full size, gets vibration at a range of ~10km/h around 125km/h at max. It goes away when the speed gets lower or higher. But your case is not the same.
there is no vibration when the speed is lower, it gets more vibration if the speed is higher. I just noticed it after I put my snow tires on a few days ago.

In this case, check tire pressure as Steve said.

多谢大家都热心回复, 我周末在CT做了4轮平衡(CT 人好多, 排上真是不容易), 但还是抖动, 胎压也是正常的, 那还会是哪里的原因啊?

或许是有tie rod松动?
去年买的新的x-ice 2, 应该不是轮胎的原因。 晚上开到 Ming Auto 去看看
可能是tie rod end磨损,我的车曾经在90km/h左右抖动,换了一个tie rod end就好了
什么车? 另一方面得看车的重量 如果再有风 那肯定抖啊