AfterDie Moderator VIP 注册 2002-06-11 消息 24,248 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 0 2003-04-08 #16 最初由 eagle28 发布 电话机现在 $10. 点击展开... $5, if you agree, send me a qiao qiao hua.
凯撒大帝 Eminem Pub 柜台 注册 2003-02-19 消息 217 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-04-08 #17 最初由 凯撒大帝 发布 才 32 M, 能存几首歌啊??? 太贵,太土了点。 点击展开... 64M , 三星的,不比RCA 好么?才 $119, 全新。
最初由 凯撒大帝 发布 才 32 M, 能存几首歌啊??? 太贵,太土了点。 点击展开... 64M , 三星的,不比RCA 好么?才 $119, 全新。
E eagle28 新手上路 注册 2002-10-13 消息 100 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-04-08 #18 m~m~~ 好象 Future Shop 的人头脑不大清楚,网站上四款 MP3 Player,三款是 RCA, 一款是Samsung, 所谓的比 RCA 好的 Samsung竟然是最便宜的$119.99,比同样配置的RCA要便宜30 块钱,好的竟然会 Discount to sale also the cheapest, 我看是脑筋有问题。
m~m~~ 好象 Future Shop 的人头脑不大清楚,网站上四款 MP3 Player,三款是 RCA, 一款是Samsung, 所谓的比 RCA 好的 Samsung竟然是最便宜的$119.99,比同样配置的RCA要便宜30 块钱,好的竟然会 Discount to sale also the cheapest, 我看是脑筋有问题。
E eagle28 新手上路 注册 2002-10-13 消息 100 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-04-14 #24 最初由 冷狗 发布 你的东西都太贵拉,难怪没有人买阿 点击展开... 贵不贵不是你说的,愿买愿卖才能成交,你出价真的是很低,难怪人家都不卖 CD机给你。
M moumouren 知名会员 注册 2003-03-21 消息 105 荣誉分数 11 声望点数 128 2003-04-14 #25 最初由 冷血 发布 4. 夏普(Sharp)计算器,$15. 崭新的才$9... 点击展开... I will offer $5.
M moumouren 知名会员 注册 2003-03-21 消息 105 荣誉分数 11 声望点数 128 2003-04-14 #26 i will offer you $5 for your phone.
E eagle28 新手上路 注册 2002-10-13 消息 100 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-04-14 #27 $15 the Sharp Calculator and Phone are yours.
M moumouren 知名会员 注册 2003-03-21 消息 105 荣誉分数 11 声望点数 128 2003-04-14 #28 Sorry, i don't need the caculator
E eagle28 新手上路 注册 2002-10-13 消息 100 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-04-14 #29 Oh, I saw you offer $5 for 夏普(Sharp)计算器, $5 for the phone. Anyway you can have both for $15, or $10 for the phone only.
Oh, I saw you offer $5 for 夏普(Sharp)计算器, $5 for the phone. Anyway you can have both for $15, or $10 for the phone only.
E eagle28 新手上路 注册 2002-10-13 消息 100 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-04-15 #30 最初由 vivian1976 发布 How about $70 for MP3 Player? I offer this price based on: 点击展开... My final price on this item is $90, firm. I have already received several offer for $80, but I do think that it's worth more than that, I have used only once, looks like brand new, everything works great in mint condition.
最初由 vivian1976 发布 How about $70 for MP3 Player? I offer this price based on: 点击展开... My final price on this item is $90, firm. I have already received several offer for $80, but I do think that it's worth more than that, I have used only once, looks like brand new, everything works great in mint condition.